[4] How to be healed from being a victim of fraud
Being a victim of fraud can make us beat ourselves up and say ‘why did I do that?’ We can feel like a failure, and we’ve let our family down…
Farewell Earith Storykeepers
This was a monthly themed event where the children explore and relive historic situations, or visit different parts of the world, or have talent nights .. It was aimed it at Primary School children…
[1] Does God change His mind?
Can you imagine what the world would be like if there was a fickle God, one who was erratic in his behaviour? What would a relationship be like with Him? Where would you stand with Him? The Bible contains many, many promises, but if God was changeable, these promises would become useless…
[2] The symbolism of the Passover Seder Meal
There is a lovely symbolism of the Passover Meal – the Seder Meal. The Head of the house puts on a Kittel which resembles a Lab Coat, but has no pockets or buttons. The origin of the Kittel comes from the priests clothes. But NOT the High Priest’s elaborate garments. When he entered the Holy…
[1] What errors are in the Bible? Scientific inaccuracies
What errors are in the Bible, but many of these ‘inaccuracies’ can be explained. For example the smallest seed, stars falling, ant behaviour, solid sky…
2. Must Christians believe in Adam?
Evolution or Creation do we have to choose? Popular science says Evolution is indisputable, it’s proof? Anatomy, molecular homology biogeography, fossils…
[2] Does God test us?
Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…
When were the Gospels written?
When were the Gospels written and how can we find out when they and other New Testament documents were made? See a time line from about A.D. 30 (Jesus′ death and resurrection) to A.D. 110.
[2] Does Genesis fail scientific study? Day 1
Does Genesis fail scientific study? Is there is any science behind it. The earth was a formless ball in space without any vegetation or inhabitants.
[2] Can God be known?
God may be closer than you think, but can God be known? The wonderful truth is yes. We′re not as good as we think we are, turning to God…
[2] Feeling empty? God can meet you.
Feeling desperate? So empty that you would do anything to put it right? Jesus said; ‘Happy are those who are like a beggar in spirit…’ Why say that?
[2] Are we born good or bad?
Giants and mighty men: As far as political leaders go there isn’t enough room in the world for very many giants and mighty men with their abuse of power, but in our everyday lives we can come across many who have that mindset…
[3] Creation days 2 and 3 – atmosphere and vegetation
Creation days 2 and 3. Until scientists studied the earth’s atmosphere, we never realised how important it is! Dry ground appears, vegetation grows..
[1] Does God turn away from us?
Just prior to Jesus giving a detailed teaching on the end of the world, the religious Institution of that day refused to respect his authority. Wise move or not? This place was now forsaken, and to be utterly ruined. By Jesus walking away, it signified the departure of the Presence of God…
[5] How to check if charities waste money
How much does it cost per person to help? Which charities waste money? How much is spent on massive executive salaries and not the poor?
[3] What is our conscience – can we trust it?
Is our conscience right? Is it wrong to ignore your conscience? Conscience meaning: a conscience is in EVERYONE… Secondly our conscience is not always right… Thirdly our conscience can be WASHED clean…
Gospels written too long after Jesus?
Were the Gospels written too long after Jesus? In less than 40 years after Jesus, a gospel and many public church letters had been written. This article compares this situation to a couple of modern day examples…
3. What is the evidence for evolution?
We are told Evolution is fact. Do we accept that? Or do we add God into the areas of chance? Or believe the Bible creation? Or ignore the subject?