[1] Being filled with the Spirit is transforming but nothing is added
Jesus told His followers to wait until the Holy Spirit had come. If they just ‘reckoned it’ there would be confusion. Can we experience the Holy Spirit?
[4] Creation of the sun moon and stars – Is Genesis scientific?
The Creation of the sun moon and stars in Day 4 in the Bible is illogical. This happened AFTER light had appeared on day 1 of Creation. Is it scientific?
[3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning
Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.
4. Are Scientists always right, consistently infallible?
Do we accept without question a ‘scientific’ view? Are Scientists always right? White lab coats can be in adverts to make the product more credible…
[5] Timeline leading up to Jesus Christ
Timeline leading up to Jesus Christ and into his early life from 600 BC with the Babylonian empire right up to John the Baptist.
[4] Working for God is different to working with God
Does our hard work AND God’s miracles go together? Honest hard work is part of God’s plan for our lives. But God made the animals come to Noah!
How reliable are sources in history?
How reliable are sources in history, ancient documents like: Caesar′s manuscripts on the Gallic War, Gospels in the Bible, New Testament, Thucydides′ History of Peloponnesian War, Tacitus Histories? Let′s see the evidence for these writings, compared with the four Gospels…
[2] How do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?
Is the promise of the Holy Spirit for you? How do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? It does not take place automatically at conversion.
[1] We rebel against God
The Bible reveals Jesus the King of the Kingdom of God. He is full of love and mixes with all, but many reject him and hate him without reason…
5. Scientific laws and the building blocks of life
A Physicist on scientific laws: ‘to be a scientist, you had to have faith that the universe is governed by dependable, immutable, absolute, universal, mathematical laws of an unspecified origin…
[3] Issues with the Holy Spirit – potentially
Potential issues with the Holy Spirit. Don’t get impressed by ‘phenomena’. Fear of showing unbelief. Spiritual gifts ‘on tap’? Do not ‘claim’ gifts.
[5] How does God discipline us?
Does God allow hardships in life? Does He discipline people? What is the purpose for our life? Noah certainly wasn’t expecting a world wide flood!
6. Did all humanity come from Noah? Table of Nations
Noah’s relatives in Genesis show their spread at a certain point in time. Opponents to this say it doesn’t mention native American Indians, Aborigines…
[4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?
Can Christians divorce and remarry? Think about Jesus, did he point the finger, no! What does the Bible actually say on divorce?
[4] How do I know I am saved? By the Holy Spirit’s work
How do I know I am saved? It is not good for a Christian to doubt their salvation. A Christian who is assured of their salvation will be confident.
[7] How old are the stars and the universe? A Bible perspective
Distant galaxies in the universe are millions of light years away but we are only just seeing them. How old are the stars, were they instantly created?
[2] How to guard against being deceived?
Stop being deceived. Jesus said: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you.’ Subtle deceptions, signs and wonders, so look at the fruit, read the Bible…
[6] When is God near to us?
Knowing God doesn’t always mean an easy life and yet God has said; ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’