[1] What errors are in the Bible? Scientific inaccuracies
What errors are in the Bible, but many of these ‘inaccuracies’ can be explained. For example the smallest seed, stars falling, ant behaviour, solid sky…
[2] Does Genesis fail scientific study? Day 1
Does Genesis fail scientific study? Is there is any science behind it. The earth was a formless ball in space without any vegetation or inhabitants.
[3] Creation days 2 and 3 – atmosphere and vegetation
Creation days 2 and 3. Until scientists studied the earth’s atmosphere, we never realised how important it is! Dry ground appears, vegetation grows..
[4] Creation of the sun moon and stars – Is Genesis scientific?
The Creation of the sun moon and stars in Day 4 in the Bible is illogical. This happened AFTER light had appeared on day 1 of Creation. Is it scientific?
[5] According to their kinds – Does science threaten Genesis?
Genesis and science does it stand up? According to their kinds is a very important phrase in Creation – it does not mean species, it is a broader group…
[6] Could early man write? Oral traditions passed on
Oldest surviving inscriptions: 3300 BC. Could early man write before that? ‘Popular history’ says it was by word of mouth and includes exaggeration.
[7] The Garden of Eden. A parable or real?
The Garden of Eden can’t be a parable to teach us moral truth, it’s too detailed. The Bible always says if it is a parable, so we know whether it is real…
[8] God named day, night, sky, land, sea and stars but not others – why?
God named these things in Genesis – day, night, sky / atmosphere, land, sea and stars. Perhaps He wanted to call attention to their importance…