Category: Earith Storykeepers

Earith Storykeepers.
Earith Storykeepers.
Earith Storykeepers.
Earith Storykeepers.
Earith Storykeepers.

What was Earith Storykeepers about?

Earith Storykeepers was a monthly themed event where the children explored and relived historic situations, or visited different parts of the world, or had talent nights…
All were welcome, and we aimed it at Primary School children, but we also got some enthusiastic young people from Secondary School and adults!
It was free, and often we all got a chance to dress up in the costume of the era.
We finished with a moral or Christian ideal and an energetic song or two.
The events were held at Earith Primary School at 6.30 pm for about an hour.
See how Earith Storykeepers started.

Children jumping around.
King Nebuchadnezzar being waited on.

Here are the articles in this category:

  • About Earith Storykeepers

    About Earith Storykeepers

    Earith Storykeepers is a monthly themed event where the children explore and relive historic situations, or visit different parts of the world, or have talent nights…

  • Storykeepers beginnings May 2007

    Storykeepers beginnings May 2007

    At Earith Primary School: May 2007 Assemblies, R.E. lessons and clubs. Nov/Dec 2007 After school drama club…