Sable Antelope
What chance against a lion?
A Sable Antelope in a (then) Southern Rhodesia Game Reserve.
These horns make it pretty well lion-proof.
Its back is often scarred when it tosses its head!
Roan Antelope
Too shy for the camera, or perhaps not:
A Roan Antelope in the Southern Rhodesia Game Reserve is shy and elusive – a handsome beast.
The shot below was taken from the Land Rover, one whiff of human scent and they are away before you can lift your camera!
Wallowing Hippopotamus
Hippopotamus and Tick birds.
1962 Luangwa Valley Game Reserve.
These hippos lived near the lodge where I spent the night.
All day they laze and wallow in the pool. At night they graze on the fresh green grass around the lodge!
Two Tick birds are perched on the big one in the photo below. They feed on ticks that in turn feed on open wounds.
These ticks often enlarge the wounds for a better supply.
Tick birds are thus not popular with farmers as they also practice this on cattle.
1962, on leave from the Tanganyika Police Services.
HWJ. Lucas May 2011
See Joe’s African Safari articles: [1] A bad shortcut down the Muse Escarpment!
[7] A 1960s Safari Guide and Me and the Victoria Falls
[8] Tanganyikan safari: Fire in the night
[9] The Donkey’s Revenge – Egyptian Safari
[10] African safari – The Valley of the Shadow of Death