Category: Jesus’ ministry and titles

Jesus the Mediator:

Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God, but people naturally kick against God’s Kingdom.
In the early part of the Bible it looks like God is at war with mankind, what was needed was a mediator and Jesus fulfils this role.

Jesus’ other roles and ministries:

Jesus is the Prophet and many in the crowds recognised that.
Moses was a Lawgiver, he lead the children of God out of slavery and he created new worship.
Jesus is greater than Moses and he also is a Lawgiver, he leads the children of God out of slavery and he created new worship.
Jesus as the Prophet gives harmony to the Old and New Testaments.
Jesus is the High Priest who offered himself as the spotless sacrifice.
As High Priest, he intercedes for us and makes our weak worship acceptable to God.

Here are the articles in this category:

  • [1] We rebel against God

    [1] We rebel against God

    The Bible reveals Jesus the King of the Kingdom of God. He is full of love and mixes with all, but many reject him and hate him without reason…

  • [2] The prophet Jesus is greater than Moses

    [2] The prophet Jesus is greater than Moses

    Jesus the Prophet part 1. He is greater than Moses so let′s look at some of the similarities in respect of: being a law giver, leading out of slavery, creating new worship…

  • [3] How does God speak to us?

    [3] How does God speak to us?

    Jesus the Prophet part 2. Early in the Bible God speaks about the coming Messiah (Jesus): “I will put My words in His mouth, and He will tell them everything I command Him.” Does that ring a bell with Jesus Speaking? Yes, He said: My teaching is not My own. It comes from Him who…

  • [4] Seeing what God sees

    [4] Seeing what God sees

    Jesus the Prophet part 3. He is the speaking prophet who teaches us to see into our own hearts and to see how hollow the things of this world are and he tells us about the excellent unseen heavenly things…

  • [5] How the justice of God was satisfied

    [5] How the justice of God was satisfied

    Jesus the High Priest part 1. Can God ignore mankind going their own way? Could God just declare a “Not guilty” verdict over the human race? What about the justice of God?

  • [6] What is acceptable worship – Jesus the High Priest

    [6] What is acceptable worship – Jesus the High Priest

    Jesus the High Priest part 2. Let’s look at how Jesus makes our weak efforts into beautiful, acceptable worship. The High Priest bears the guilt of imperfect sacred gifts…

  • [7] Jesus the Prayer Warrior – How Jesus prays for us

    [7] Jesus the Prayer Warrior – How Jesus prays for us

    Jesus the High Priest part 3. It is true, that Christians fail sometimes, but what is not well-known is that Jesus in Heaven is praying for you because he is the prayer warrior. Simon Peter failed big time but Jesus had it covered and was praying for him…