Are manifestations in revivals a recent phenomenon?
Does history confirm emotionalism, shaking, falling down and manifestations at revivals? Is being slain in the Spirit something from the 17th century?
Toronto Blessing review: laughing shrieking shaking falling over
Toronto Blessing or Catch the Fire review: laughing shrieking shaking falling over. A work of the Holy Spirit or a deception? A brief history and its fruit.
Criticising the Holy Spirit. Test all things
Seen any bizarre Christian behaviour but scared to question it for criticising the Holy Spirit? But we are told to question and test things for our spiritual safety.
Surrendering to the Holy Spirit and the Bible
Bible-based or surrendering to the Holy Spirit. How to be led by the Spirit. Should we be Spirit-led or Bible-based, or both?
Signs and wonders
What are signs and wonders? Jesus did them, and his followers did, but does that mean we should be doing that now in the twenty-first century?
1950’s Belgian Congo revival
The Belgian Congo revival seems like a genuine move of God which bore good fruit. Suddenly we heard a hurricane storm, the building shook…