Everyone likes a good story and the Bible is full of them!
Table of Contents:
1. Teacher’s background information.
These are the stories we will be looking at:
[a] Naomi had a husband and two sons, but they had to move to a different country when a famine came.
Then her husband died, quickly followed by her two sons… [This story is told in the words of a song.]
[b] Jonah, a prophet, was sent by God to the evil superpower at Nineveh to tell them to turn from their evil ways, but he rebelled and went in the opposite direction.
God caused a big fish, a whale(?), to swallow him until he agreed to do as God told him, so Jonah went to Nineveh and everyone turned from their evil ways.
[c] Noah and his family were saved from a huge flood when God told them to build a boat. [This is shown on a video.]
[d] These stories are not on a lesson plan yet:
How the world was created by God, by just speaking the world into existence.
Moses was raised as an Egyptian but he ended up leading the Jewish nation out of slavery there and towards the Promised Land.
David was just a lad who got enraged with Goliath, a giant Philistine, who was mocking the Israelite army and their God. The trouble was that he only had a sling with some stones and no armour!
Daniel was one of the most powerful leaders in Babylon, but when the king said that everyone now had to pray to the king himself, Daniel disobeyed and was thrown into the lion’s den!
2. Lesson plans and resources for Big Bible stories
[a] Ruth and Naomi Bible Story video.
We’ve Got to Celebrate Our Differences!
The world is full of variety and difference! Our Difference is wonderful and worth celebrating!
But sadly, often people struggle when people are different in some way!
Often we are reluctant to welcome people who may look different, wear different clothes, speak a different language, etc.
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[b] Jonah and the Whale Bible Story video.
Jonah and the Whale Bible Story – Good and Bad Choices.
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[c] Noah and the Flood Bible Story video.
Video with puppets giving the story of how the animals came to Noah, how the Ark was built, how long they were on the Ark and other facts about Noah’s Ark.
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[d] Big Bible stories.
RE lesson plan. Coming soon due to changes in the RE syllabus.
3. How to fulfil the locally agreed syllabus on ‘Big Bible stories’
Hopefully, you will be able to match your local agreed syllabus with what is here which satisfies eight councils:
These lesson plans are based on the Progression Documents of The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’ Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, Rutland County Councils. This is in the light blue text.
The green text is from other Councils: Lewisham Borough, West Sussex, Hull and East Riding.
Here are the main aims for the visit:
- Hear some stories from the Bible (Creation, Moses, David and Goliath, Daniel in the lion’s den, Jonah)
- Where did the world and everything in it come from?
- What do faith stories say about the value of each individual?
- Why are creation stories important to faith members?
Key vocabulary: Baptism, Bible, Christ, Creation, Faith, God, Jesus, Prayer, Worship.