The Easter break may signify Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and an Easter hunt, but why is it so important for Christians?
Table of Contents:
1. Teacher’s background information.
The festival of Easter tells the story of how Jesus was unlawfully treated, beaten, whipped and crucified and yet Christians rejoice at the outcome 3 days later.
2. Lesson plans and resources for the: Christian festival of Easter
Updated April 2022. Christian Festival of Easter lesson plan
Easter worksheet – Football sketch
3. Three free children’s songs about Good Friday and Easter.
These songs can be used in R.E. lessons, assemblies, collective worship, church children’s talks, Sunday schools, etc.
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[1] E is for The Easter and Holy Week Song with Actions by John Hardwick.
John’s aim with this song was to use each letter in the word E.A.S.T.E.R to explain a part of the Easter story in both a lively and reflective way with a catchy chorus.
[2] ‘God’s Story – Easter’ by Crossroads Kids’ Club.
Easter is a major part of God’s big rescue plan. It shows us how much Jesus loves us and is one of the most exciting parts of God’s story.
[3] Good Friday and Easter Sunday ACTIONS POEM For Children by John Hardwick.
Note: Each Easter day has different audience participation. Friday and Saturday are performed in a sombre spirit, but Sunday is done in an exciting triumphant way!
4. How to fulfil the locally agreed syllabus on ‘Christian Festival of Easter’
Hopefully, you will be able to match your local agreed syllabus with what is here which satisfies eight councils:
These lesson plans are based on the Progression Documents of The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’ Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, Rutland County Councils. This is in the light blue text.
The green text is from other Councils: Lewisham Borough, West Sussex, Hull and East Riding.
Here are the main aims for the lesson plan:
- Know the cycle of the Christian year, the meanings of the major festivals and how they are celebrated including the use of symbolic colours and special hymns.
- Find out how Christians celebrate this festival of Easter.
- Understand how these relate to Christians’ beliefs about God and Jesus.
- Talk about celebrations, worship, pilgrimages, and the rituals, which mark important points in life.
- Explore and describe the meaning of a range of beliefs, symbols, and practices.
- Demonstrate understanding of how people express their identity and their spirituality through symbols and actions.
- Make connections between the beliefs that underpin different celebrations, forms of worship, pilgrimages and rituals
- Identify the stories celebrated at festivals.
Key vocabulary: Bible, Christ, Easter, Faith, God, Gospel, Holy, Jesus, New Testament, Prophets, Worship.