John Bunyan RE resources Famous Christian

Being a true Christian is living a life that is right before God.
This can bring heartache and pain, but God gives blessings during these times.

1. Teacher’s background information.

John Bunyan lived 360 years ago and was an early ‘non-conformist’ who tried to live according to his faith outside the government-controlled church. Unfortunately, he suffered a lot of hardship, spending many years in dismal prison cells.

John Bunyan wrote ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ in 1678, and it is now number two on the 10 Best-Selling Novels of All Time having sold 250 million copies (‘Don Quixote’ by Miguel de Cervantes is in the first place).

The children will learn about John Bunyan’s life and his courage to follow what he thought was right.

2. Lesson plans and resources for Famous Christians in history.

John Bunyan famous Christian Lesson plan as a PowerPoint presentation

John Bunyan lesson plan famous Christian.

The True Story of John Bunyan – Children’s Handout

John Bunyan questions worksheet printable worksheet.

3. Two free children’s songs.

These songs can be used in R.E. lessons, assemblies, collective worship, church children’s talks, Sunday schools, etc.

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[1] ‘Go Out Of Your Way To Help Others’ (Out of His Way) Kids Praise Song by John Hardwick.

[2] ‘Wherever I Go’ by the Compass Bible Church:

4. How to fulfil the locally agreed syllabus for ‘Famous Christians in History’

Hopefully, you will be able to match your local agreed syllabus with what is here which satisfies eight councils:

These lesson plans are based on the Progression Documents of The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’ Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, Rutland County Councils. This is in the light blue text.
The green text is from other Councils: Lewisham Borough, West Sussex, Hull and East Riding.
Here are the main aims for the lesson plan:

  • Hear stories of people who have tried to follow Jesus (e.g. St Francis, local saints).
  • How did St. Francis show his thanks to God for His creation?
  • Reflect on the teachings of key religious figures and how these teachings impact on society.

Key vocabulary: Bible, Christ, Church, Disciple, Faith, God, Gospel, Jesus, Parables, Prayer.