Table of Contents:
1. Teacher’s background information.
What is a parable?
What is the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan, and the other parables of Jesus all about?
The children will learn about:
- getting lost,
- what can happen when selfishly putting yourself first,
- loving and helping your neighbours.
2. Lesson plans and resources for Parables of Jesus
Updated April 2022. Parables of Jesus lesson plan featuring the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan parables.
More Parables of Jesus – RE lesson plan – Coming soon due to changes in the RE syllabus.
3. Free children’s songs about Resilience, the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.
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These songs can be used in R.E. lessons, assemblies, collective worship, church children’s talks, Sunday schools, etc.
[1] Bouncing Back Song – Resilience & Wellbeing Song. By John Hardwick.
Life is full of ups and downs – highs and lows!
But life is worth ‘living’ not just hiding away so here is a fun, catchy, bouncy song to encourage us to Bounce Back. Perfect song for schools!
[2] The story of ‘The Prodigal Son’ by Saddleback Kids.
[3] ‘The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)’ by Saddleback Kids.
4. How to fulfil the locally agreed syllabus on ‘Some stories and parables Jesus told’
Hopefully, you will be able to match your local agreed syllabus with what is here which satisfies eight councils:
These lesson plans are based on the Progression Documents of The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’ Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, Rutland County Councils. This is in the light blue text.
The green text is from other Councils: Lewisham Borough, West Sussex, Hull and East Riding.
Here are the main aims for the lesson plan:
- Know some stories about Jesus and some stories he told. (e.g. baptism of Jesus, children brought to Jesus, calling the disciples, feeding 5000, lost sheep, lost son, Good Samaritan)
- How should people treat others?
- Retell and suggest meanings to some religious and moral stories.
- Suggest meanings for some religious and moral stories and say how they influence people today.
Key vocabulary: Baptism, Christ, Disciple, Faith, God, Jesus, Prayer, Worship.