Bible Truths revealed in early Genesis, creation, flood, etc
The early chapters of Genesis are given a lot of criticism from some quarters.Generally, their argument is not based on what they can find from Genesis, but on anger against the idea that there is a God who can intervene in the world. If anyone is prepared to seek for solid facts within early Genesis…
[3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning
Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.
6. Did all humanity come from Noah? Table of Nations
Noah’s relatives in Genesis show their spread at a certain point in time. Opponents to this say it doesn’t mention native American Indians, Aborigines…
[6] When is God near to us?
Knowing God doesn’t always mean an easy life and yet God has said; ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’
[1] Could Noah have built the Ark – he was an Ancient engineer
Could Noah have built the Ark which was about the size of a 14000 ton modern tanker? It is strange but true, that many building marvels were built thousands of years ago and modern engineers have tried to recreate certain ancient buildings or machines and have often failed…
[7] Learn how to trust God
Noah had no sail or rudder, I wonder how he felt – powerless, not in control? Our lives are sometimes swept along by strong currents and storms and it seems to be totally out of our control! How strange to build a huge boat, without any form of propulsion, no sails, no oars, no engine, and…
[8] How and why to stop complaining
Learn to stop complaining and be content with your life. No answer to: Why is this happening? You may be in the centre of God’s will and not understand why.
[2] How big was Noah’s Ark with facts and figures
How big was Noah’s Ark? Like a 14000 ton Tanker, very sea-worthy, unlike the ark in the Babylonian flood story. We compare the Titanic, Mayflower, etc
[9] Looking forward to eternal life
Is this world really not you? No resting place – stranger in this world? Then you may be like Noah’s dove and not a raven…
[3] How long did Noah’s flood last?
In Noah’s flood timeline it took over 12 months for the waters to subside and for the ground to dry out. These are realistic figures, it’s not a myth. These are very realistic figures, whereas many myths…
[4] Noah’s Ark Ararat where and why, Turkish or Armenian?
A long distance shot of Mt Ararat. Noah’s ark Ararat where and why, Turkish or Armenian?
[11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life
Have you noticed the difference in how God is described before the Flood (grieved) and then after the Flood (pleased at the sweet fragrance)?
[5] Was Noah’s flood a judgment from God? Timeline.
The Flood’s massive destruction is often not understood. Everything was exterminated. It left a huge worldwide scar called the Great Unconformity.
[6] More thoughts on Noah’s flood
I have just seen this post: ‘Defending the Flood’ by Matthew2262’s blog. It is well worth a read and provides answers to these objections…