[4] How to be healed from being a victim of fraud
Being a victim of fraud can make us beat ourselves up and say ‘why did I do that?’ We can feel like a failure, and we’ve let our family down…
[2] Does God test us?
Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…
[2] Feeling empty? God can meet you.
Feeling desperate? So empty that you would do anything to put it right? Jesus said; ‘Happy are those who are like a beggar in spirit…’ Why say that?
[5] How to check if charities waste money
How much does it cost per person to help? Which charities waste money? How much is spent on massive executive salaries and not the poor?
[3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning
Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.
[5] How does God discipline us?
Does God allow hardships in life? Does He discipline people? What is the purpose for our life? Noah certainly wasn’t expecting a world wide flood!
[4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?
Can Christians divorce and remarry? Think about Jesus, did he point the finger, no! What does the Bible actually say on divorce?
[3] How to remain steadfast when the world turns bad
How did the British people feel in 1939, when the Nazis started their onslaught? They had every right to say: “my life’s falling apart!” At times in our lives we may feel that the whole world is crashing down around us. How do we cope at such times? I can remember that sinking feeling when…
[6] How to donate to charities
Included are some popular charities that many Christians donate to (but are not in the top 100 of the last article) and some of the salaries are horribly excessive. Then I suggest some alternative charities which don’t pay millions of pounds in huge salaries…
[4] What happens in times of persecution
When we look at how Jesus describes the time leading up to the end of the world – with all the persecution it can all seem very scary! All that I considered as being stable, and dependable is being ripped away. All those things I hold as being fair, and noble, and honest, are just uprooted…
[7] Are you overwhelmed by a relentless illness?
How to handle difficult situations, let’s look at one very tough circumstance where a woman had been very ill for many, many years. What made matters even worse, according to the Jewish customs, she would have been classed as ‘ceremonially unclean’. That would have meant that she was barred from going to the Temple. But here…
[7] Learn how to trust God
Noah had no sail or rudder, I wonder how he felt – powerless, not in control? Our lives are sometimes swept along by strong currents and storms and it seems to be totally out of our control! How strange to build a huge boat, without any form of propulsion, no sails, no oars, no engine, and…
[8] How and why to stop complaining
Learn to stop complaining and be content with your life. No answer to: Why is this happening? You may be in the centre of God’s will and not understand why.