[2] Does God test us?
Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…
[3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning
Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.
[6] When is God near to us?
Knowing God doesn’t always mean an easy life and yet God has said; ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’
[5] How to feel happy, the feel-good factor.
Many people reach for chocolate, drink, splash some cash or go to a party. But other things have become popular in trying to solve the problem: ‘how to feel happy’. According to the Yellow Pages own old statistics…
[8] How and why to stop complaining
Learn to stop complaining and be content with your life. No answer to: Why is this happening? You may be in the centre of God’s will and not understand why.
[10] What God says about patience
It’s a now culture. It’s so hard to wait for stuff! Patience is ridiculed. ‘I get what I want’ impresses but is self-centred, no safety barriers.