Tag: faith

  • More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools and Churches

    This is book number two in this series and although the characters and conversations have been added for dramatization purposes these scripts still remain true to the original Bible stories. Description for More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts Children really enter into these dramas and imagine themselves in the stories where they can learn about…

    Book: More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools and Churches
  • Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools, Churches and After School Clubs

    Retells the bible stories in an authentic and modern way, with the aim that the truth of the story is not lost.Children love to act out these five Bible story drama scripts for schools or churches. Description of the Bible Story Drama Scripts Retells the bible stories in an authentic and modern way, with the…

    A book: "Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools, Churches and After School Clubs"
  • About the ‘Not Many Wise’ website and author

    1. Some information about me, Peter Reason a) Why have I called this site: ‘Not Many Wise’? Well, that phrase comes from some verses: … think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.But God chose…

    Peter Reason author of Not Many Wise website
  • Free Christian lesson plans KS1 and KS2

    Free Christian lesson plans ready to present to children. A mixture of PowerPoint presentations, detailed lesson plans and worksheets. Subjects covered are; What is the Church? Taking a look at places of worship, What is in a Christian service at church? Is Jesus a historical figure?The parables of Jesus, Christmas and Easter are simply explained,…

  • Personal faith and spirituality – Bible truths revealed

    We may wonder what God is like and how does the Bible describe Him? In this vast universe, can God know us and is it possible to have personal faith in Him, can we get to know Him?If heaven is real, how do we get in and what is a Christian? The Bible tells us…

  • What is in a church service lesson plan

    Many people have a fixed idea of what a church service is like, possibly originating from a funeral service. But is that correct? Church services are so varied, for example the music ranges from an old organ right up to some musicians resembling a rock group. The atmosphere of a church service also varies greatly…

    What is in a church service lesson plan. Very lively church service led by rock style group.
  • Church items worksheet

    Print page 2 only to get the worksheet. See what this worksheet relates to: What is in a Christian service at church lesson planAlso see: What is the Church? RE resources

  • Visit to a local Church KS1. RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. The most important point is that a local church is much more than just a building. The children need to understand that the local church they are visiting is part of the Church worldwide – it is a community of Christians from all races and nationalities. To see where the local…

    Italian POW church on the Orkneys.
  • What is Church lesson plan

    How do you relate the true meaning of ‘what is church according to the Bible’ to your class of children – without spending hours researching it? The answer is to follow this lesson plan with two worksheets. What the church is, can be taught easily by following this ready-made lesson plan. It gives a clear…

    A large group worshipping with arms raised. What is church lesson plan.
  • What is the Church? RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. A church is more than just a building.The people are important – the Church should be a community of Christians from all races and nationalities.Why do Christians go to church? To worship, pray, listen to Bible teachings and make friends.Who or what influences the children’s behaviour? 2. Lesson plans and resources…

  • What is Church worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This What is Church worksheet 1 contains: This worksheet relates to the: What is Church lesson planSee the other worksheet: What is Church Worksheet 2Also see: What is the Church RE resources

  • What is Church Worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This What is Church Worksheet 2 contains: This worksheet relates to: What is Church lesson planSee the other worksheet: What is Church Worksheet 1Also see the What is the Church RE resources

  • What is the Bible? RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. The Bible is the world’s best-selling book – it does not appear in the ‘book charts’ because the other books do not stand a chance!20 million Bibles sold each year, that’s 54,945 Bibles sold every day. Take a look at the figures for book sales since the first editions: estimated at:…

  • What is the Bible? Lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the What is the Bible lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: [1] A book written by one author. [2] A book containing short stories by different authors.[3] A Bible (preferably a modern translation, eg: The New International Version (N.I.V.), The Good News Bible, The Living Bible). [4] A history book, a poetry…

    An open Bible.
  • What is the Bible Worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE lesson plan worksheet contains information on the: This worksheet relates to the: What is the Bible? Lesson planThe other worksheet for this lesson plan is: What is the Bible Worksheet 2

  • What is the Bible Worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the: What is the Bible? Lesson planThe other worksheet for this lesson plan is: What is the Bible worksheet 1

  • Walking with God talks – audio and video

    A selection of talks on walking with God, being a Christian in this modern world and being in the kingdom of God.

    walking with god min
  • Famous Christians. RE resources

    Everybody is unique.Some people do not drift along with the crowd, they push through on things they believe are right.Because of this, some are remembered throughout history for what they achieved. 1. Teacher’s background information. The lesson plan will look at a young girl from history.She was not great at sports, she did not invent…