Tag: Gospels

  • Free Christian lesson plans KS1 and KS2

    Free Christian lesson plans ready to present to children. A mixture of PowerPoint presentations, detailed lesson plans and worksheets. Subjects covered are; What is the Church? Taking a look at places of worship, What is in a Christian service at church? Is Jesus a historical figure?The parables of Jesus, Christmas and Easter are simply explained,…

  • Jesus Christ – a real historical life-changing person

    Jesus Christ, a Jew from Nazareth, has changed the lives of millions of people from all around the world for the last two thousand years.Some say he was just a myth, but he is a proven, historical man with non-Christian evidence.When were the Gospels about Jesus written? Jesus’ titles are Prophet, Priest and King.

  • RE lesson plans Christianity

    There are two ways of viewing the lesson plans: Teachers just do not have the time to research RE Christianity, so here are 36 free, ready-made lesson plans with worksheets to give an introduction to Christianity. Each of these KS1 and KS2 RE lesson plans is for a complete, standalone classroom lesson. Just choose Keystage…

    Inside Canterbury Cathedral.
  • Jesus lesson plan – a historical figure

    Did you know that Jesus is an undisputed person from history with secular records proving his existence? No time to research the life of Jesus? Well, this is a complete Jesus lesson plan for KS1 showing why Jesus is special for billions of followers worldwide. Here is a complete Jesus Christ lesson on where Jesus…

    A statue of Jesus. Jesus lesson plan
  • Timeline pictures

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.Images to cut out for timeline, consisting of: This worksheet relates to the: Jesus lesson plan – a historical figureAlso see: Is Jesus a historical figure? RE resources

  • [8] Was Jesus born at Migdal-Eder, Bethlehem?

    Shepherds told ‘swaddling cloths and a manger’ how did they know where to go? Was Jesus born at Migdal-Eder ‘Tower of the Flock’ at Bethlehem?

    Shepherding in Shepherd's Fields, Bethlehem. Was Jesus born at Migdal-Eder, Bethlehem - the Tower of the Flock?
  • Is Jesus a historical figure? RE resources

    Jesus is a proven historical person.He was different, he spoke about God in a real way and he loved people. 1. Teacher’s background information. Is Jesus a historical figure like Napoleon Bonaparte or Julius Caesar? Yes, he is proven to be a real historical person according to ancient secular records as well as Christian writings.…

  • Christmas and Easter simply explained. RE resources

    Both Christmas and Easter can be difficult subjects in Christian Religious Education, here it is broken down into an easy-to-use lesson plan. 1. Teacher’s background information. [a] Here the children can discover the real, tough story of Christmas – a poor girl heavily pregnant having to travel 90 miles [145 km] on a donkey over…

  • Christmas explained lesson plan

    The true meaning of Christmas lesson plan for busy teachers to KS1 children. Free Christmas lesson plan that requires no study time, or hours of research. This lesson plan with Christmas Nativity drama is also suitable for an ESL Christmas lesson or Christmas Sunday School lesson. This teacher’s copy of the Christmas explained lesson plan…

    Model figures of a stable. Christmas explained lesson plan.
  • [1] Evidence of Jesus Christ – Non-Christian

    Jeremy Bowen, BBC′s former Middle East correspondent, said about evidence of Jesus:- “I thought you couldn’t corroborate anything that was in the Gospels .. To start with I didn’t know there was a historical character called Jesus – I thought that you had to believe in Jesus the same way as you have to believe in…

    Title page of a 1619 Latin translation of Lucian's complete works
  • Christmas Nativity drama

    This drama relates to Christmas explained lesson plan.Also see: Christmas and Easter simply explained. RE resources The Christmas Nativity drama is printer friendly. SCENE 1 [MARY ON STAGE] Narrator: Mary was just an ordinary young woman who was engaged to a man called Joseph. Suddenly an angel appeared to Mary and said: Angel: [ENTER STAGE]…

  • Explaining Easter lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Easter explained lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: None is required for this lesson plan. STARTER: Q. Do you do anything special at Easter? Q. What do you know about Easter? Imagine owing something to someone which you cannot pay back and then an unknown person comes along and pays your…

    Christian festival of Holy Week lesson plan. Jesus sat with his disciples.
  • [3] When was Jesus born by calculating temple’s age, Herod…

    When was Jesus born? Taking the evidence of the crucifixion, Jesus’ baptism, the temple’s age, king Herod’s reign, the Roman census a fair assumption is…

    King Herod marble statue
  • [2] Do you follow celebrities – the urge to follow someone

    Celebs are famous due to advertising and hype. Do you follow celebrities? What publicity did Jesus have? He has more followers than anyone…

    Celebrities on Instagram showing search results.
  • [1] What is Communion, is it the Passover Meal?

    Jesus finished the Passover meal in a different way. What is Communion? It points to the Jews leaving Egypt, but also to himself…

    A horned sheep on rocky hillside.
  • When were the Gospels written?

    When were the Gospels written and how can we find out when they and other New Testament documents were made? See a time line from about A.D. 30 (Jesus′ death and resurrection) to A.D. 110.

    An old scroll.
  • Gospels written too long after Jesus?

    Were the Gospels written too long after Jesus? In less than 40 years after Jesus, a gospel and many public church letters had been written. This article compares this situation to a couple of modern day examples…

    Head and shoulders picture of Winston Churchill. Gospels written too long after Jesus?
  • How reliable are sources in history?

    How reliable are sources in history, ancient documents like: Caesar′s manuscripts on the Gallic War, Gospels in the Bible, New Testament, Thucydides′ History of Peloponnesian War, Tacitus Histories? Let′s see the evidence for these writings, compared with the four Gospels…

    John Rylands Library's papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John, Chapter 18. How reliable are sources in history?