Tag: Gospels

  • [6] Turin Shroud and Sudarium of Oviedo

    The Turin Shroud has been kept in Turin, Italy since 1578. For centuries it has been surrounded in controversy, many believe that it was the cloth that was wrapped around the body of Jesus of Nazareth, after he had been crucified, others disagree…

    Turin Shroud showing as it appears and then what it looks like as a photo negative.
  • [7] Who is good?

    Who is good? The young man thought he was good and approached Jesus, and asked: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” What a good question! What must WE do to receive eternal life? We are bombarded with how to get a happy life now by all the TV ads etc. But who should…

    World war 1 war medal.
  • [7] Jews and Jesus – Judaism’s perspective

    Jews and Jesus, what does the Jewish community think of Jesus? They haven′t got a vested interest in Jesus because they see Him as forming a different religion to their own. We look at what four Rabbis have written about Jesus…

    The flag of Israel
  • [3] How does God speak to us?

    Jesus the Prophet part 2. Early in the Bible God speaks about the coming Messiah (Jesus): “I will put My words in His mouth, and He will tell them everything I command Him.” Does that ring a bell with Jesus Speaking? Yes, He said: My teaching is not My own. It comes from Him who…

    Speaking out God's words.
  • [4] What should the Gospel message be?

    The Gospel message In the Bible is preached to different groups: a) Those with no Bible knowledge b) Those who know the Bible but aren’t saved

    Nativity scene with wooden characters.