Tag: How to feel happy

  • [3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning

    Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.

    A house with scaffolding.
  • [5] How does God discipline us?

    Does God allow hardships in life? Does He discipline people? What is the purpose for our life? Noah certainly wasn’t expecting a world wide flood!

    Granny, or Nanny, and grandson playing.
  • [5] How to feel happy, the feel-good factor.

    Many people reach for chocolate, drink, splash some cash or go to a party. But other things have become popular in trying to solve the problem: ‘how to feel happy’. According to the Yellow Pages own old statistics…

    Bronze statues at Woburn Safari Park - do they look happy?
  • [15] Comfort in solitude: uplift

    Comfort in solitude, the ultimate experience was a first ever encounter with a powerful thermal of rising air, flying a glider. Throw her over into a steep turn, concentrate on ‘look-out’, scan the instruments and see the ground sinking away below…

    Snow covered mountain
  • [10] What God says about patience

    It’s a now culture. It’s so hard to wait for stuff! Patience is ridiculed. ‘I get what I want’ impresses but is self-centred, no safety barriers.

    A plate of food.