Tag: judgement

  • Bible Truths revealed in early Genesis, creation, flood, etc

    The early chapters of Genesis are given a lot of criticism from some quarters.Generally, their argument is not based on what they can find from Genesis, but on anger against the idea that there is a God who can intervene in the world. If anyone is prepared to seek for solid facts within early Genesis…

    Jodrell Bank radio telescope
  • Christmas and Easter simply explained. RE resources

    Both Christmas and Easter can be difficult subjects in Christian Religious Education, here it is broken down into an easy-to-use lesson plan. 1. Teacher’s background information. [a] Here the children can discover the real, tough story of Christmas – a poor girl heavily pregnant having to travel 90 miles [145 km] on a donkey over…

  • Christmas explained lesson plan

    The true meaning of Christmas lesson plan for busy teachers to KS1 children. Free Christmas lesson plan that requires no study time, or hours of research. This lesson plan with Christmas Nativity drama is also suitable for an ESL Christmas lesson or Christmas Sunday School lesson. This teacher’s copy of the Christmas explained lesson plan…

    Model figures of a stable. Christmas explained lesson plan.
  • Christmas Nativity drama

    This drama relates to Christmas explained lesson plan.Also see: Christmas and Easter simply explained. RE resources The Christmas Nativity drama is printer friendly. SCENE 1 [MARY ON STAGE] Narrator: Mary was just an ordinary young woman who was engaged to a man called Joseph. Suddenly an angel appeared to Mary and said: Angel: [ENTER STAGE]…

  • Explaining Easter lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Easter explained lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: None is required for this lesson plan. STARTER: Q. Do you do anything special at Easter? Q. What do you know about Easter? Imagine owing something to someone which you cannot pay back and then an unknown person comes along and pays your…

    Christian festival of Holy Week lesson plan. Jesus sat with his disciples.
  • [1] What is God’s purpose for us?

    In looking at the subject of ‘God’s purposes for my life’ it is really good to remember that: Throughout history the Lord has always desired to have someone, or a group of people, or a nation, to be His people or spokesperson. So very early on, He chose individuals, like Noah and Abraham, etc. Then…

    The King of Nineveh performing a religious ceremony. What does the Bible say about the purposes of God?
  • [1] Does God turn away from us?

    Just prior to Jesus giving a detailed teaching on the end of the world, the religious Institution of that day refused to respect his authority. Wise move or not? This place was now forsaken, and to be utterly ruined. By Jesus walking away, it signified the departure of the Presence of God…

    Large stones from the Temple knocked down by Roman battering rams.
  • [1] We rebel against God

    The Bible reveals Jesus the King of the Kingdom of God. He is full of love and mixes with all, but many reject him and hate him without reason…

    Ramsey 1940's weekend with British soldiers relaxing by there tents and weapons.
  • [5] Gays cannot stay at Bed and Breakfasts or hotels?

    Isn’t it judgemental to say: “Gays can’t stay at Bed and Breakfasts or hotels”. But hasn’t that happened? How many people have been turned away from a Bed and Breakfast for being: Greedy? Or an angry person? Yes someone can be turned away for shouting at the proprietor, but not for living an angry life?…

    An angry man sitting pointing to the door.
  • [8] Is death a new beginning or darkness?

    Many think of being reunited with departed loved ones but that is wishful thinking. Others say that death is the end. But is death a new beginning? What happens after death?

    A graveyard. Is death a new beginning or darkness? What happens after death?
  • [8] Do we owe God anything?

    Monopoly is good if you’ve got some property with a house or two, and therefore you’ve got a slim chance of winning. But if you’re the one with no sets of properties, then your fate is certain! Whether you survive for the next two minutes, or another hour, it doesn’t really matter, because you know…

    Monopoly game in progress.
  • [4] What should the Gospel message be?

    The Gospel message In the Bible is preached to different groups: a) Those with no Bible knowledge b) Those who know the Bible but aren’t saved

    Nativity scene with wooden characters.
  • [6] End of the World according to the Bible

    The Bible describes the end of the world. We need to understand how to interpret prophesy. Fire and heat, darkness and Jesus coming in authority

    Lava and flames - end of the world.
  • [7] Does God intervene in the world?

    In God’s eyes Nineveh, the Assyrian city, was a bad city and yet He reached out to them in mercy. It was a warning from God and they certainly didn’t deserve His mercy and they lived 300 miles away from Israel. But God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to preach to them…

    Artist's impression of Assyrian Palaces.
  • [5] How the justice of God was satisfied

    Jesus the High Priest part 1. Can God ignore mankind going their own way? Could God just declare a “Not guilty” verdict over the human race? What about the justice of God?

    Baby with father on a picnic.
  • [7] The trumpet call of God – revealing Bible explanation

    Trumpets were used for 7 different reasons in the Old Testament and each one is relevant to the second coming of Christ: 1. Meet God 2. For battle…

    Three stone statues blowing gold trumpets. The trumpet call of God - revealing Bible explanation.
  • [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day

    The end of the world is also called the Day of the Lord and it’s a separating day, one is taken the other left behind, what had they done wrong?

    A group of people - some will be taken, others not.
  • [5] Was Noah’s flood a judgment from God? Timeline.

    The Flood’s massive destruction is often not understood. Everything was exterminated. It left a huge worldwide scar called the Great Unconformity.

    A world wide flood hits the land.