More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools and Churches
This is book number two in this series and although the characters and conversations have been added for dramatization purposes these scripts still remain true to the original Bible stories. Description for More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts Children really enter into these dramas and imagine themselves in the stories where they can learn about…
Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools, Churches and After School Clubs
Retells the bible stories in an authentic and modern way, with the aim that the truth of the story is not lost.Children love to act out these five Bible story drama scripts for schools or churches. Description of the Bible Story Drama Scripts Retells the bible stories in an authentic and modern way, with the…
Big Bible stories. RE resources
Everyone likes a good story and the Bible is full of them! 1. Teacher’s background information. These are the stories we will be looking at: [a] Naomi had a husband and two sons, but they had to move to a different country when a famine came.Then her husband died, quickly followed by her two sons……
Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
The names Lent, Ascension and Pentecost don’t tell us much about what happened on these days. Here are three lesson plans for these events. 1. Teacher’s background information. This resource page looks at three festivals: [1] The Festival of Lent celebrates when Jesus went out into the desert without food for 40 days (this is…
The festival of Lent lesson plan
Are you looking for a lent lesson plan? Lent involves temptation. Jesus spent forty days fasting with no food, the devil tempts him with food but Jesus says no to it. What is going on? This Lent lesson plan is ready to use with a worksheet. This teacher’s copy of the Festival of Lent lesson…
Lent Worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Lent Worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the The festival of Lent lesson plan (includes a very short introduction to the Trinity).Also see the: Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
Pentecost Worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Pentecost Worksheet contains information about: This worksheet relates to the The festival of Pentecost lesson planAlso see the: Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
[1] What is God’s purpose for us?
In looking at the subject of ‘God’s purposes for my life’ it is really good to remember that: Throughout history the Lord has always desired to have someone, or a group of people, or a nation, to be His people or spokesperson. So very early on, He chose individuals, like Noah and Abraham, etc. Then…
What is Christian baptism? RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. Some people believe that baptism is baptising a young baby and then later there can be a Confirmation Service to ‘confirm’ the promises that were given at baptism. Others believe that baptism should only be done when a person turns to God and believes in Jesus, Simon Peter, one of Jesus’…
What is Christian baptism lesson plan
This is a complete lesson plan on baptism. This teacher’s copy of the What is Christian baptism? lesson plan is printer-friendly. 1. Resources for the baptism lesson plan: Clear glass tumbler containing muddy water.A bowl of clean water.A tray, or dish containing sticky mud. Some tissues to clean things! 2. Starter for the baptism lesson…
Baptism worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Baptism worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the What is Christian baptism lesson planSee also: What is Christian baptism? RE resources
Questions to ask Christian visitor at school for KS2 lesson
These questions relate to: Organise Christian visitor to talk in RE lessonAlso, see Christian visitor to talk at school. RE resources Use these questions only as a guide: As a brief introduction, can you tell us about your family, and what job you’ve got, or what job you’ve had? How do you express your Christian…
Holy Communion worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Holy Communion worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the What is the Last Supper lesson planThe Courtroom sketch lesson planWhat is the Last Supper? RE resources
Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan
This teacher’s copy of the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Cards with good values written on them – one per card: Each child gets just one of these cards. STARTER: Many people may not know very much about Christianity, but there is one thing that everybody would agree on, and that…
Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. This lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1 shows that This worksheet relates to the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson planWhich has a Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources
Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. The lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2 shows that This worksheet relates to the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson planWhich has a Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources
Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan
This teachers copy of the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan is printer friendly. RESOURCES: No extra resources are required. Optional: Internet to look up charities, but unfortunately there are many charities that pay their executives extremely high salaries, see:[1] What Charity Should I Donate To? opens in a new tab. For the better side of…
Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 1 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources