Tag: obedience

  • Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 1 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

  • Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 2 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

  • [5] The Holy Spirit and living a godly life

    The old term for a godly life is sanctification. The filling of the Holy Spirit helps living a godly life, but it’s not ‘sanctification’ itself. Think of all the troubles at Corinth!

    Snow on branches representing a pure life.
  • [7] Who is good?

    Who is good? The young man thought he was good and approached Jesus, and asked: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” What a good question! What must WE do to receive eternal life? We are bombarded with how to get a happy life now by all the TV ads etc. But who should…

    World war 1 war medal.
  • [3] How does God speak to us?

    Jesus the Prophet part 2. Early in the Bible God speaks about the coming Messiah (Jesus): “I will put My words in His mouth, and He will tell them everything I command Him.” Does that ring a bell with Jesus Speaking? Yes, He said: My teaching is not My own. It comes from Him who…

    Speaking out God's words.
  • [6] Adolf Hitler’s warning from God not to start a war

    Adolf Hitler’s warning: It would appear that God did draw a line in the sand and Hitler made a conscious decision to proceed with his plans. The facts come from a documentary “The Nazis: A Warning From History – Hitler’s Path To War”…

    Concentration camp, Holocaust, Auschwitz image. Did God tell Hitler not to start a war? Adolf Hitler's warning from God not to start a war.
  • [5] Baptism meaning – Problematic in practice

    Baptism meaning: In a font, Baptistry or river? Very problematic in practice and has caused a lot of conflict between different Christian groups.

    A stone font for baptisms
  • [11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life

    Have you noticed the difference in how God is described before the Flood (grieved) and then after the Flood (pleased at the sweet fragrance)?

    Corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanum
  • [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day

    The end of the world is also called the Day of the Lord and it’s a separating day, one is taken the other left behind, what had they done wrong?

    A group of people - some will be taken, others not.