Tag: peace

  • [2] Do you follow celebrities – the urge to follow someone

    Celebs are famous due to advertising and hype. Do you follow celebrities? What publicity did Jesus have? He has more followers than anyone…

    Celebrities on Instagram showing search results.
  • [3] How to remain steadfast when the world turns bad

    How did the British people feel in 1939, when the Nazis started their onslaught? They had every right to say: “my life’s falling apart!” At times in our lives we may feel that the whole world is crashing down around us. How do we cope at such times? I can remember that sinking feeling when…

    Parked Spitfire on an aerodrome.
  • [15] Comfort in solitude: uplift

    Comfort in solitude, the ultimate experience was a first ever encounter with a powerful thermal of rising air, flying a glider. Throw her over into a steep turn, concentrate on ‘look-out’, scan the instruments and see the ground sinking away below…

    Snow covered mountain