Revivals and manifestations of the Holy Spirit
The subject of the Holy Spirit and any manifestations of the Holy Spirit can cause confusion and divisions.Whenever problematic, spiritual situations arise we need to seek out what the Bible says. What is the filling of the Holy Spirit – it can be transforming but from the bible’s teaching it tells us that nothing is…
Are manifestations in revivals a recent phenomenon?
Does history confirm emotionalism, shaking, falling down and manifestations at revivals? Is being slain in the Spirit something from the 17th century?
The festival of Pentecost lesson plan
The day of Pentecost can be a difficult lesson plan to present to the children. This free Pentecost lesson plan looks at Acts 2 and needs no extra input from teachers – it is ready to use. Many Christians celebrate Pentecost Sunday and take comfort from the Holy Spirit. This teacher’s copy of the Festival…
[1] Being filled with the Spirit is transforming but nothing is added
Jesus told His followers to wait until the Holy Spirit had come. If they just ‘reckoned it’ there would be confusion. Can we experience the Holy Spirit?
[2] How do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?
Is the promise of the Holy Spirit for you? How do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? It does not take place automatically at conversion.
[3] Issues with the Holy Spirit – potentially
Potential issues with the Holy Spirit. Don’t get impressed by ‘phenomena’. Fear of showing unbelief. Spiritual gifts ‘on tap’? Do not ‘claim’ gifts.
[4] How do I know I am saved? By the Holy Spirit’s work
How do I know I am saved? It is not good for a Christian to doubt their salvation. A Christian who is assured of their salvation will be confident.
[5] The Holy Spirit and living a godly life
The old term for a godly life is sanctification. The filling of the Holy Spirit helps living a godly life, but it’s not ‘sanctification’ itself. Think of all the troubles at Corinth!
[6] How does ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’ differ from the ‘filling’?
Jesus was raised from the dead then He breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’. How does that differ from the filling of the Holy Spirit?
Toronto Blessing review: laughing shrieking shaking falling over
Toronto Blessing or Catch the Fire review: laughing shrieking shaking falling over. A work of the Holy Spirit or a deception? A brief history and its fruit.
Criticising the Holy Spirit. Test all things
Seen any bizarre Christian behaviour but scared to question it for criticising the Holy Spirit? But we are told to question and test things for our spiritual safety.
Surrendering to the Holy Spirit and the Bible
Bible-based or surrendering to the Holy Spirit. How to be led by the Spirit. Should we be Spirit-led or Bible-based, or both?
Signs and wonders
What are signs and wonders? Jesus did them, and his followers did, but does that mean we should be doing that now in the twenty-first century?
1950’s Belgian Congo revival
The Belgian Congo revival seems like a genuine move of God which bore good fruit. Suddenly we heard a hurricane storm, the building shook…