Tag: pleasing God

  • Putting Bible Truth into all the Church Stuff

    Church stuff involves lots of traditions, numerous opinions from within and societal pressures from the outside all resulting in a potentially explosive situation. Traditions are not necessarily things that have been carried out for centuries, some traditions are birthed after just a few months! These issues are where the rubber hits the road for church…

  • Does Christianity change lives? Lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Does Christianity change lives lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: To perform the ‘Gang Members sketch’, these characters need to be found: Print off the ‘Gang Members sketch‘. STARTER: Imagine being dropped off at a railway station, walking in the main entrance and thinking; ‘I’ve got to buy some railway tickets.’…

    A crowd of people in a high street.
  • The Gang Members sketch

    This sketch relates to Does Christianity change lives? Lesson planAlso see: Does Christianity change lives? RE resources [BOY WITH HIS GIRL FRIEND WALKING TOGETHER, THEY COME ROUND ACORNER AND SEE A GANG OF 3] Boy: Oh no! They look tough – let’s pretend we don’t know each other, otherwise they might mock us! Girl: But…

  • Walking with God talks – audio and video

    A selection of talks on walking with God, being a Christian in this modern world and being in the kingdom of God.

    walking with god min
  • Does Christianity change lives? RE resources

    When someone truly becomes a Christian, people should see a change in their behaviour. For example, no more cheating, bullying, aggressive attitudes and more peace and fulfilment. These things may not come immediately, though they can when someone is ‘converted’ – that is, they decide to follow Jesus. 1. Teacher’s background information. To mark this…

  • Famous Christians. RE resources

    Everybody is unique.Some people do not drift along with the crowd, they push through on things they believe are right.Because of this, some are remembered throughout history for what they achieved. 1. Teacher’s background information. The lesson plan will look at a young girl from history.She was not great at sports, she did not invent…

  • Famous Christians – Mary Jones lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Famous Christians – Mary Jones lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Look up the Welsh village of Llanfihangel-y-Pennant, North Wales on Google Maps.To see her journey see: Mary Jones’ walk to Bala and back opens in a new tab. Optional: Internet to look up your local Christian bookshop.Also, look at the…

    Welsh mountains. Famous Christians – Mary Jones lesson plan.
  • Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources

    The names Lent, Ascension and Pentecost don’t tell us much about what happened on these days. Here are three lesson plans for these events. 1. Teacher’s background information. This resource page looks at three festivals: [1] The Festival of Lent celebrates when Jesus went out into the desert without food for 40 days (this is…

  • The festival of Lent lesson plan

    Are you looking for a lent lesson plan? Lent involves temptation. Jesus spent forty days fasting with no food, the devil tempts him with food but Jesus says no to it. What is going on? This Lent lesson plan is ready to use with a worksheet. This teacher’s copy of the Festival of Lent lesson…

    Three crusty rolls. The festival of Lent lesson plan
  • Lent Worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Lent Worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the The festival of Lent lesson plan (includes a very short introduction to the Trinity).Also see the: Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources

  • Pentecost Worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Pentecost Worksheet contains information about: This worksheet relates to the The festival of Pentecost lesson planAlso see the: Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources

  • What is Christian baptism lesson plan

    This is a complete lesson plan on baptism. This teacher’s copy of the What is Christian baptism? lesson plan is printer-friendly. 1. Resources for the baptism lesson plan: Clear glass tumbler containing muddy water.A bowl of clean water.A tray, or dish containing sticky mud. Some tissues to clean things! 2. Starter for the baptism lesson…

    Infant being baptised. What is Christian baptism lesson plan.
  • Baptism worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Baptism worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the What is Christian baptism lesson planSee also: What is Christian baptism? RE resources

  • What is Christian baptism? RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. Some people believe that baptism is baptising a young baby and then later there can be a Confirmation Service to ‘confirm’ the promises that were given at baptism. Others believe that baptism should only be done when a person turns to God and believes in Jesus, Simon Peter, one of Jesus’…

  • [1] What is God’s purpose for us?

    In looking at the subject of ‘God’s purposes for my life’ it is really good to remember that: Throughout history the Lord has always desired to have someone, or a group of people, or a nation, to be His people or spokesperson. So very early on, He chose individuals, like Noah and Abraham, etc. Then…

    The King of Nineveh performing a religious ceremony. What does the Bible say about the purposes of God?
  • Rule Cards for Jesus and Nicodemus lesson plan

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.These are the rule cards to go with the lesson plan and they show: These rule cards relate to the Jesus and Nicodemus lesson planAlso, this Jesus and Nicodemus worksheet goes with the lesson plan.

  • Jesus and Nicodemus worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This What Did Jesus Do worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the Jesus and Nicodemus lesson planThese are the Rule Cards that go with the above lesson plan.Also see: What did Jesus do? RE resources

  • What did Jesus do? RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. In just three years Jesus taught people about the Kingdom of Heaven, performed miracles, spoke out against the religious leaders and lived such a perfect life his accusers could find nothing wrong in his life. Christians believe that Jesus was sent by God for a very special mission to basically stand…