Tag: repent

  • [1] What is God’s purpose for us?

    In looking at the subject of ‘God’s purposes for my life’ it is really good to remember that: Throughout history the Lord has always desired to have someone, or a group of people, or a nation, to be His people or spokesperson. So very early on, He chose individuals, like Noah and Abraham, etc. Then…

    The King of Nineveh performing a religious ceremony. What does the Bible say about the purposes of God?
  • [5] What are the characteristics of God?

    What are God’s qualities – His perfections? What are God’s perfections and what are the characteristics of God? This may seem difficult to pinpoint because God is invisible, dwells in unapproachable light and no one can look at Him and live. That explains why we can’t see God, so we then have to rely on…

    Colchester castle
  • [7] Does God intervene in the world?

    In God’s eyes Nineveh, the Assyrian city, was a bad city and yet He reached out to them in mercy. It was a warning from God and they certainly didn’t deserve His mercy and they lived 300 miles away from Israel. But God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to preach to them…

    Artist's impression of Assyrian Palaces.