[6] How to break free – I want to be free!
Have you noticed how some people express how free they are, and yet they dress all the same and are bound to an unwritten code of practice? Whether that is as a Hippie, a Rocker, or even living in Suburbia, most of us ‘conform’ and are bound by outside pressures…
[7] Are you overwhelmed by a relentless illness?
How to handle difficult situations, let’s look at one very tough circumstance where a woman had been very ill for many, many years. What made matters even worse, according to the Jewish customs, she would have been classed as ‘ceremonially unclean’. That would have meant that she was barred from going to the Temple. But here…
[7] Who is good?
Who is good? The young man thought he was good and approached Jesus, and asked: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” What a good question! What must WE do to receive eternal life? We are bombarded with how to get a happy life now by all the TV ads etc. But who should…
[4] What is a Christian?
A National questionnaire for adults 72% said they were ‘Christian’ but 5% go to church! So what is a Christian? Firstly ‘Christian’ was a nickname!
[8] Is death a new beginning or darkness?
Many think of being reunited with departed loved ones but that is wishful thinking. Others say that death is the end. But is death a new beginning? What happens after death?
[7] Looking for and needing revival
Does the poor condition of churches, or a godless society stop revival? Revivals often were spawned by reading past moves of God. Learning from how George Whitefield was revived.
[8] Do we owe God anything?
Monopoly is good if you’ve got some property with a house or two, and therefore you’ve got a slim chance of winning. But if you’re the one with no sets of properties, then your fate is certain! Whether you survive for the next two minutes, or another hour, it doesn’t really matter, because you know…
[3] How does God speak to us?
Jesus the Prophet part 2. Early in the Bible God speaks about the coming Messiah (Jesus): “I will put My words in His mouth, and He will tell them everything I command Him.” Does that ring a bell with Jesus Speaking? Yes, He said: My teaching is not My own. It comes from Him who…
[5] What are the characteristics of God?
What are God’s qualities – His perfections? What are God’s perfections and what are the characteristics of God? This may seem difficult to pinpoint because God is invisible, dwells in unapproachable light and no one can look at Him and live. That explains why we can’t see God, so we then have to rely on…
[9] Looking forward to eternal life
Is this world really not you? No resting place – stranger in this world? Then you may be like Noah’s dove and not a raven…
[7] Does God intervene in the world?
In God’s eyes Nineveh, the Assyrian city, was a bad city and yet He reached out to them in mercy. It was a warning from God and they certainly didn’t deserve His mercy and they lived 300 miles away from Israel. But God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to preach to them…
[5] How the justice of God was satisfied
Jesus the High Priest part 1. Can God ignore mankind going their own way? Could God just declare a “Not guilty” verdict over the human race? What about the justice of God?
[7] The trumpet call of God – revealing Bible explanation
Trumpets were used for 7 different reasons in the Old Testament and each one is relevant to the second coming of Christ: 1. Meet God 2. For battle…
[7] Jesus the Prayer Warrior – How Jesus prays for us
Jesus the High Priest part 3. It is true, that Christians fail sometimes, but what is not well-known is that Jesus in Heaven is praying for you because he is the prayer warrior. Simon Peter failed big time but Jesus had it covered and was praying for him…
[11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life
Have you noticed the difference in how God is described before the Flood (grieved) and then after the Flood (pleased at the sweet fragrance)?