Burns Night 25th January 2012
Storykeepers had our own version of Burns Night: Guests are piped in by bagpipes to take their places at the dining table. A Grace written Robert Burns was read. The supper should begin with a soup course, but we skipped that!…
Bumpy donkey ride 14th December 2011
It was a very long journey of about 100 miles. I had the donkey to ride on but Joseph had to walk. We had to go because of the census. Bethlehem was the town where Joseph was born and we went to be counted. It was a bumpy road, but the little donkey didn’t give…
Fishing boat to Dunkirk 23rd November 2011
1940 and England is at war with Germany. Well, we still need to earn our money and people still need fish to eat, so we had better carry on fishing. Later we hear that everyone with a boat – however small – needs to report for duty. We quickly learn that our troops are cornered…
Harvest time 28th September 2011
When ‘harvest’ is mentioned, people tend to think of combine harvesters and also that not many people are involved in actually harvesting crops. But in the old days most people within a village would have been working hard to bring in the crops. Harvest doesn’t just mean the wheat crop but all sorts of things,…
Pondlife party 11th July 2011
At the Pondlife Party we had a strange collection of things, including a Moorhen, Frogs and a Bullrush! After having a lot of fun with pond games we looked at the number of amazing things you get in an old pond…
London 1939-40 21st October 2009
LONDON: 1939-40 and the very real threat of a Nazi invasion of our country. The children are in danger: The children stepped into the shoes of the children from that era…
Fresh start in life – Zaccheus 27th January 2009
We can have a fresh start in our lives, because look at Zaccheus in the Bible. He was a greedy man whose life revolved around loving money. Strange but true: even though he had great wealth he felt empty…
Storykeepers beginnings May 2007
At Earith Primary School: May 2007 Assemblies, R.E. lessons and clubs. Nov/Dec 2007 After school drama club…