Tag: trust

  • Big Bible stories. RE resources

    Everyone likes a good story and the Bible is full of them! 1. Teacher’s background information. These are the stories we will be looking at: [a] Naomi had a husband and two sons, but they had to move to a different country when a famine came.Then her husband died, quickly followed by her two sons……

  • [1] Who can we trust? Wikipedia, education, TV, newspapers?

    We get bombarded with people’s opinions, good and bad advice. But who can we trust? Wikipedia, education, TV, they’ve got authority…

    University graduation day.
  • Why is there suffering in the World? RE resources

    The suffering that goes on in the world is difficult to accept and how do we answer the question, ‘Why is there suffering?’ This subject is even harder to discuss with children.Here is a lesson plan that aims to explore this difficult subject. 1. Teacher’s background information. The obvious answer to, ‘Why is there suffering?’…

  • Why is there suffering in the world? lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Why is there suffering in the world? Lesson Plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Optional: Internet to look up charities, but unfortunately there are many charities that pay their executives extremely high salaries, see:[1] What Charity Should I Donate To? opens in a new tab. For the better side of charities see…

    Old man sculpture in pain. Why is there suffering in the world? lesson plan.
  • Why is there suffering in the World worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This Why is there suffering in the World worksheet shows that suffering: This worksheet relates to the Why is there suffering in the world? lesson planWhich has the Why is there suffering in the World worksheet 2See also: Why is there suffering in the World? RE resources

  • Why is there suffering in the World Worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This Why is there suffering in the world worksheet shows: This worksheet relates to the Why is there suffering in the world? lesson planWhich has the Why is there suffering in the World worksheet 1See also: Why is there suffering in the World? RE resources

  • [1] Does God change His mind?

    Can you imagine what the world would be like if there was a fickle God, one who was erratic in his behaviour? What would a relationship be like with Him? Where would you stand with Him? The Bible contains many, many promises, but if God was changeable, these promises would become useless…

    Model spheres of iron crystal cell.
  • [1] What errors are in the Bible? Scientific inaccuracies

    What errors are in the Bible, but many of these ‘inaccuracies’ can be explained. For example the smallest seed, stars falling, ant behaviour, solid sky…

    The Brazen Sea is destroyed by the Chaldeans (watercolour, circa 1896–1902 at the Jewish Museum, New York
  • [2] Does God test us?

    Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…

    A Kayak in heavy seas.
  • 4. Are Scientists always right, consistently infallible?

    Do we accept without question a ‘scientific’ view? Are Scientists always right? White lab coats can be in adverts to make the product more credible…

    Late 1880's Bausch & Lomb Optical Company microscope.
  • [6] When is God near to us?

    Knowing God doesn’t always mean an easy life and yet God has said; ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’

    Raging white waters in a ravine.
  • [3] Christians behaving badly – selfish ambitions

    I felt very battered because of Christians behaving badly. God’s work in which we were involved in has been snuffed out! When you cut through the facade it boiled down to being trampled on by a Christian’s selfish ambitions. Why should the work of God be stopped by selfish ambition?

    Mud thrown at a man and sticking to his T-shirt.
  • [6] How to break free – I want to be free!

    Have you noticed how some people express how free they are, and yet they dress all the same and are bound to an unwritten code of practice? Whether that is as a Hippie, a Rocker, or even living in Suburbia, most of us ‘conform’ and are bound by outside pressures…

    Leather jacket studded with badges.
  • [18] The Silent Key

    The Silent Key, someone who is no longer around: I once found a group of 10 year-olds at an exhibition of WW2 equipment, puzzled by a morse key and buzzer; all computer experts probably (unlike me). But I had to ‘show them how’ and rattled out a quick ‘CQ’ _._. … (General call)…

    Morse Key
  • [4] What should the Gospel message be?

    The Gospel message In the Bible is preached to different groups: a) Those with no Bible knowledge b) Those who know the Bible but aren’t saved

    Nativity scene with wooden characters.
  • [7] Learn how to trust God

    Noah had no sail or rudder, I wonder how he felt – powerless, not in control? Our lives are sometimes swept along by strong currents and storms and it seems to be totally out of our control! How strange to build a huge boat, without any form of propulsion, no sails, no oars, no engine, and…

    Man skiing.
  • [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day

    The end of the world is also called the Day of the Lord and it’s a separating day, one is taken the other left behind, what had they done wrong?

    A group of people - some will be taken, others not.
  • [12] Being consistent with God

    Noah should have no problem with being consistent. He overcame many obstacles, had many victories and then suddenly he was caught off guard.

    Noah lays drunk and naked in his open tent.