Revivals and manifestations of the Holy Spirit
The subject of the Holy Spirit and any manifestations of the Holy Spirit can cause confusion and divisions.Whenever problematic, spiritual situations arise we need to seek out what the Bible says. What is the filling of the Holy Spirit – it can be transforming but from the bible’s teaching it tells us that nothing is…
Are manifestations in revivals a recent phenomenon?
Does history confirm emotionalism, shaking, falling down and manifestations at revivals? Is being slain in the Spirit something from the 17th century?
[1] Church leadership problems – choosing authentic leaders
Church leadership problems, a ministry without conversions should stop. No sense of responsibility, not sent by God who bring no-one to God.
[3] How can I be saved? Ticket to heaven?
Is there a ticket to get to heaven? How can I be saved? Heaven is reserved for family only, that’s why we are born again by our heavenly Father…
Surrendering to the Holy Spirit and the Bible
Bible-based or surrendering to the Holy Spirit. How to be led by the Spirit. Should we be Spirit-led or Bible-based, or both?
[11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life
Have you noticed the difference in how God is described before the Flood (grieved) and then after the Flood (pleased at the sweet fragrance)?