[8] Was Jesus born at Migdal-Eder, Bethlehem?
Shepherds told ‘swaddling cloths and a manger’ how did they know where to go? Was Jesus born at Migdal-Eder ‘Tower of the Flock’ at Bethlehem?
Are manifestations in revivals a recent phenomenon?
Does history confirm emotionalism, shaking, falling down and manifestations at revivals? Is being slain in the Spirit something from the 17th century?
Walking with God talks – audio and video
A selection of talks on walking with God, being a Christian in this modern world and being in the kingdom of God.
[1] Evidence of Jesus Christ – Non-Christian
Jeremy Bowen, BBC′s former Middle East correspondent, said about evidence of Jesus:- “I thought you couldn’t corroborate anything that was in the Gospels .. To start with I didn’t know there was a historical character called Jesus – I thought that you had to believe in Jesus the same way as you have to believe in…
[1] Who can we trust? Wikipedia, education, TV, newspapers?
We get bombarded with people’s opinions, good and bad advice. But who can we trust? Wikipedia, education, TV, they’ve got authority…
[1] What is God’s purpose for us?
In looking at the subject of ‘God’s purposes for my life’ it is really good to remember that: Throughout history the Lord has always desired to have someone, or a group of people, or a nation, to be His people or spokesperson. So very early on, He chose individuals, like Noah and Abraham, etc. Then…
[4] The Star of Bethlehem: when was it? Planets or star?
There is a lot of star and planet information for that period in history, could any of it indicate a star or planets that lead the Magi (Wise Men) to Bethlehem? Could any of these known star movements have been the Star of Bethlehem?
[2] Do you follow celebrities – the urge to follow someone
Celebs are famous due to advertising and hype. Do you follow celebrities? What publicity did Jesus have? He has more followers than anyone…
[1] Church leadership problems – choosing authentic leaders
Church leadership problems, a ministry without conversions should stop. No sense of responsibility, not sent by God who bring no-one to God.
[1] What is God like? Who is God in the Bible?
Is God distant? A Force for good? An old man with a grey beard? What is God like, he’s real, Father, a King carrying out his purposes, indescribable
1. Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
Age of the universe how conclusive: Hubble’s Law, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, dark matter hypothesis, Modified Newtonian dynamics…
[1] Life is a journey, but where to?
Our life is a journey. No destination in view? But still walking a spiritual pathway that can be rough at times. Heaven should be our focus.
[3] What is truth?
What is truth, these days it is moveable, shifting, fitting in with the general sentiment. But the truth is not what the majority think and we need it…
[2] Christian code of conduct – unwritten behaviour.
A congregation has it’s unwritten Christian code of conduct, a unique code of behaviour and appearance. To be accepted you need to follow this…