Jesus Christ – a real historical life-changing person
- Jesus Christ – real and historical:
Myth, historical man or God’s Son? Non-Christian evidence, Judaism’s perspective on Jesus. Star of Bethlehem, Turin Shroud, Migdal-Eder… - Jesus’ ministry and titles:
King, wild prophet and priest, seeing what God sees, how the justice of God was satisfied, what is acceptable worship, Jesus the Prayer Warrior… - The Gospels – authentic and historical:
When were they written? How reliable are historic documents? Jesus myth or true stories?
Personal faith and spirituality Bible truths revealed
- Knowing God as your Father.
What is God like? Who is God in the Bible? What is a Christian? Ticket to heaven, son of a King, warning from God, can God be known? Hitler 1939 at the Berghof… - God’s purpose for us:
Why do bad situations hit us? How reliable is our conscience? How to break free? Can Christians divorce?… - Who can we trust?
Wikipedia, education, following celebrities, a victim of fraud, what charity to donate to, what is the Truth?… - Exploring life and purpose:
How to feel happy, and make good decisions. Does God put us in difficult situations? Temptation, who is good? Spiritual health… - Understanding our lives by looking at Noah’s life:
Abuse of power, hard work, hardships, complaining, this world our home, consistency… - The end of the world and how to prepare:
A sobering thought, my life’s falling apart, day of the Lord, things that grab our attention…
Putting Bible Truth into All the Church Stuff
- Church leadership problems:
Churches with unwritten codes of conduct, Christians behaving badly, what is a terrible sin, Gays, should a Minister wear a uniform? Is the church relevant today?… - What is Communion:
It celebrates spiritual freedom, the symbolism of the Passover Seder Meal, the symbolic food… - What is Christian unity?
United around Jesus’ teachings, Satan knows the importance of unity, a unity that divides… - Return to early church worship and message:
What does it mean to worship, and what is doctrine? What should the Gospel message be? What is the meaning of baptism?
At certain points in our lives, a song may speak to us.
Revivals and manifestations of the Holy Spirit
- Teachings on the Holy Spirit:
Filling, transforming but nothing added, how to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, issues with the Holy Spirit – potentially, how do I know I am saved? The Holy Spirit and living a godly life, how does ‘Receiving the Holy Spirit’ differ from the ‘filling’? Looking for and needing revival… - Manifestations of the Spirit:
We take a look at the Pentecostal Movement, Charismatic Movement, Third Wave Movement, Toronto Blessing and 1950’s Belgian Congo Revival. Strange things: laughing, shrieking, shaking, falling over. Can these things be questioned, or is it criticising the Holy Spirit, but we are told to test all things? Are they Bible-based, Spirit-led, and what is the core focus?
Bible Truths revealed in defending the Bible, creation, evolution, and Noah’s flood
- Are there Bible errors in the early chapters of Genesis?
Supposed scientific errors in the Bible. Scientific Genesis, Creation days, Garden of Eden, kinds or species… - An honest look at creation and evolution:
Scientists who believe in God, how old are the stars, how to date the earth, interesting nature, and painful childbirth, were dragons real?… - Noah’s Ark and the Worldwide Flood:
How big was the Ark, timeline, could Noah have built such a vessel? Where’s Mt Ararat?…
School resources; free Christianity R.E. lesson plans
School resources; free R.E. lesson plans KS1 and KS2 with worksheets.
What is Church, baptism, communion, Easter, Advent, is Jesus a historical figure, Christian values, what is the Bible, what is Christmas, did God create the world, the Lord’s Prayer, what is Easter, some of Jesus’ sayings, what is Advent, why is there suffering, the Prodigal Son, what is Lent and Pentecost, is death a doorway or the end, Jesus’ radical ideas, inspiring story of John Bunyan, songs, hymns and creeds…
Real-life stories: wartime children and African safaris
- London girl pre WW2 and beyond – real-life story:
Christine Reason 1930 to 2019. WW2 and beyond… - African Safari in the 1950s and 1960s:
Luangwa Valley Game Reserve, Southern Rhodesia Game Reserve, Tanganyika… - Historic Earith in Cambridgeshire, England:
Detailed account of living in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s in a village.
- [12] Being consistent with God
- [10] What God says about patience
- [4] Working for God is different to working with God
- 1. Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
- [7] How old are the stars and the universe? A Bible perspective
- [5] Was Noah's flood a judgment from God? Timeline.
- [4] Noah's Ark Ararat where and why, Turkish or Armenian?
- [3] How long did Noah's flood last?
- [2] How big was Noah's Ark with facts and figures
- [7] The Garden of Eden. A parable or real?
- [8] God named day, night, sky, land, sea and stars but not others – why?
- [6] Could early man write? Oral traditions passed on
- [4] Creation of the sun moon and stars – Is Genesis scientific?
- [5] According to their kinds – Does science threaten Genesis?
- [3] Creation days 2 and 3 – atmosphere and vegetation
- [1] What errors are in the Bible? Scientific inaccuracies
- [1] What is God's purpose for us?
- [2] Does Genesis fail scientific study? Day 1
- [9] What does God require under an authoritarian regime?
- [8] Is death a new beginning or darkness?
- [7] Are you overwhelmed by a relentless illness?
- [6] How to break free – I want to be free!
- [5] Is wanting to feel important good?
- [4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?
- [3] What is our conscience – can we trust it?
- [2] Feeling empty? God can meet you.
- [2] The symbolism of the Passover Seder Meal
- [1] What is Communion, is it the Passover Meal?
- How reliable are sources in history?
- About Earith Storykeepers
- Kids Holiday Club Autumn half term 2008
- Performance of Babylon Palace 5th November 2008
- Fawlty Inn 17th December 2008
- Fresh start in life – Zaccheus 27th January 2009
- King Ahab worshipped ‘The Masters’ 25th February 2009
- Every cloud has a silver lining – Ruth 25th March 2009
- Religious leaders get jealous 29th April 2009
- Right person, right place – Esther 20th May 2009
- Abram moves house 24th June 2009
- A shark at the Beach Party 15th July 2009
- Apollo moon landing 23rd September 2009
- London 1939-40 21st October 2009
- Where is Baloo? 25th November 2009
- Spiders in the Stable Carol Service 9th December 2009
- Rrrrufts Dog Show 27th January 2010
- New life in America on the Titanic 24th February 2010
- Pride of lions 24th March 2010
- Earith’s Got talent 22nd April 2010
- Vote for unusual MP’s 26th May 2010
- Our timelines 30th June 2010
- Pirates and treasure 14th July 2010
- Robin Hood 23rd September 2010
- S. S. Suevic shipwreck 10th November 2010
- Christmas Party 8th December 2010
- Cowboy crossing the Rockies 12th December 2010
- Sponsor a child 26th January 2011
- Local Defence Volunteers 16th February 2011
- Cruella snatches Duncan 23rd March 2011
- Bugsy (Leave) Me-alone 25th May 2011
- Florence Nightingale 22nd June 2011
- Pondlife party 11th July 2011
- Harvest time 28th September 2011
- Fishing boat to Dunkirk 23rd November 2011
- Bumpy donkey ride 14th December 2011
- Burns Night 25th January 2012
- Farewell Earith Storykeepers
- [21] 1988 to 1992 building a kit car
- [22] 1993 to 1998 gathering storm clouds a real-life story
- [11] 1946 new mum – my story
- [13] 1949 to 1951 boyfriends
- [10] 1944 to 1945 test of faith
- [7] 1940 to 1941 evacuated to High Wycombe
- [6] 1939 to 1940 evacuated to south coast
- [1] 1922 to 1930 my story Christine Reason
- [2] Old bridges at Earith
- When were the Gospels written?
- Gospels written too long after Jesus?
- [7] Jesus the Prayer Warrior – How Jesus prays for us
- [6] What is acceptable worship – Jesus the High Priest
- [5] How the justice of God was satisfied
- [4] Seeing what God sees
- [2] The prophet Jesus is greater than Moses
- [3] How does God speak to us?
- [1] We rebel against God
- Signs and wonders
- Walking with God talks – audio and video
- Surrendering to the Holy Spirit and the Bible
- Criticising the Holy Spirit. Test all things
- Are manifestations in revivals a recent phenomenon?
- Toronto Blessing review: laughing shrieking shaking falling over
- [7] Looking for and needing revival
- [6] How does 'Receive the Holy Spirit' differ from the 'filling'?
- [1] Church leadership problems – choosing authentic leaders
- [5] The Holy Spirit and living a godly life
- [4] How do I know I am saved? By the Holy Spirit's work
- [3] Issues with the Holy Spirit – potentially
- [2] How do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?
- [1] Being filled with the Spirit is transforming but nothing is added
- [6] Should a Minister of Religion wear a uniform?
- [3] Christians behaving badly – selfish ambitions
- [2] Christian code of conduct – unwritten behaviour.
- [6] More thoughts on Noah's flood
- [1] Could Noah have built the Ark – he was an Ancient engineer
- [7] Does God intervene in the world?
- [6] Adolf Hitler's warning from God not to start a war
- [4] How to be healed from being a victim of fraud
- [2] Do you follow celebrities – the urge to follow someone
- [6] Turin Shroud and Sudarium of Oviedo
- [5] Timeline leading up to Jesus Christ
- [4] The Star of Bethlehem: when was it? Planets or star?
- [3] When was Jesus born by calculating temple's age, Herod…
- [2] What is the story of Jesus' childhood like?
- [1] Evidence of Jesus Christ – Non-Christian
- [5] What are the characteristics of God?
- [4] What is a Christian?
- [3] How can I be saved? Ticket to heaven?
- [8] Do we owe God anything?
- [7] Who is good?
- [6] Be better at making decisions – deciding at the crossroads.
- [4] What gives meaning to life?
- [3] How does Satan tempt us?
- [2] Does God test us?
- [1] Life is a journey, but where to?
- [6] How to donate to charities
- [5] How to check if charities waste money
- [3] What is truth?
- [8] Was Jesus born at Migdal-Eder, Bethlehem?
- [1] Who can we trust? Wikipedia, education, TV, newspapers?
- [1] What is Christian unity? So many denominations!
- [7] Jews and Jesus – Judaism's perspective
- [2] Can God be known?
- [1] What is God like? Who is God in the Bible?
- [5] How to feel happy, the feel-good factor.
- [5] Baptism meaning – Problematic in practice
- [3] What is Christian doctrine? Go Shake Your World With It!
- [4] What should the Gospel message be?
- [1] A return to early Church worship? Part 1
- [2] What does it mean to worship – part 2
- [7] Is the church relevant today?
- [2] Satan knows the importance of unity
- 1950's Belgian Congo revival
- [5] Gays cannot stay at Bed and Breakfasts or hotels?
- [4] Views on what makes a sin terrible or acceptable
- [4] What happens in times of persecution
- [9] Ready to meet God? The Ten Virgins.
- [7] The trumpet call of God – revealing Bible explanation
- [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day
- [5] The abomination of desolation and interpreting prophecy
- [6] End of the World according to the Bible
- [2] How to guard against being deceived?
- [3] How to remain steadfast when the world turns bad
- [1] Does God turn away from us?
- [11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life
- [8] How and why to stop complaining
- [7] Learn how to trust God
- [5] How does God discipline us?
- [1] Does God change His mind?
- [9] Looking forward to eternal life
- 15. Stargazing tips – The Pole Star and The Plough
- 14. What is hard for evolution to explain?
- 13. Has reproduction evolved – the evolution of sex
- 12. Obligate mutualism
- 11. Scientists who believe in God and the Genesis creation account
- 10. Proof of the evolution of the horse? What change is possible?
- 9. Are dragons real creatures?
- 8. Do dogs prove evolution and are Bible kinds species?
- 5. Scientific laws and the building blocks of life
- 3. What is the evidence for evolution?
- 2. Must Christians believe in Adam?
- [14] Huntingdon Grammar School days
- [13] Earith farming in the 1930s and 1940s
- [12] Earith parades 1936 to 1960
- [11] 1930s school playground
- [10] At school in 1930s Earith
- [9] Flooding in Earith in the 1930s
- [8] Earith Bonfire and fireworks – before health and safety!
- [7] Skating at Earith in the 1930s
- [6] 1930s St. Mary's Bluntisham cum Earith Church graveyard
- [5] 1930s Bridge End and Earith High Street
- [4] 1930s Pubs in Earith an evocative walk
- [3] Remembering 1930s Chapel Road Earith
- [1] 1930s Earith National Fishing attraction
- [15] Earith WW2 and evacuees
- [23] African Souvenirs: figures 9 to 11
- [22] Processionary caterpillars on African Safari
- [21] A Dog's Life in a hotel bar on an African safari
- [20] Sundowners on African safaris
- [19] A sting in the tail – deadly scorpion
- [18] The Silent Key
- [17] Souvenirs from Kenya: figures 7 to 8
- [15] Comfort in solitude: uplift
- [14] Souvenirs from Tanganyika: figures 4 to 6
- [13] A good read while on safari
- [12] East African Colonialism out in the bush
- [11] Souvenirs from East Africa: figures 1 to 3
- [10] African safari – The valley of the Shadow of Death
- [9] The Donkey’s Revenge – Egyptian safari
- [6] Wallowing Hippopotamus, Sable and Roan Antelopes
- [8] Tanganyikan safari: Fire in the night
- [7] A 1960's Safari Guide and the Victoria Falls
- [5] A Gift of Marbles
- [1] A bad shortcut down the Muse Escarpment!
- [2] African 1950s Safari introduction
- [20] 1977 to 1987 working in Aladdin’s cave
- [19] 1972 to 1976 Peter’s first job
- [18] 1961 to 1970 field found by Providence
- [17] 1957 to 1960 I’m not rearing pigs!
- [15] 1951 to 1955 wedding day
- [14] 1951 to 1953 romantic manure
- [12] 1947 to 1948 Essex girl
- [9] 1943 to 1944 American Forces
- Contact Peter Reason and Not Many Wise
- [3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning
- [2] Are we born good or bad?
- [6] When is God near to us?
- [5] 1939 my story – war declared
- [4] 1936 to 1938 pre-war story
- [3] 1935 to 1937 Daddy’s office
- [2] 1931 to 1935 real life toddler story
- Storykeepers beginnings May 2007
- 6. Did all humanity come from Noah? Table of Nations
- 4. Are Scientists always right, consistently infallible?
- [16] 1955 to 1956 baby boy
- [8] 1941 to 1942 High school during war time
- [16] On a Wing and a Prayer
- [4] 1950's Mosal – Kurdish delight but very dangerous
- [3] WW2 dogfight – Before the Safari days
- 'Majesty – Here I am' a brilliant song to lift the hurting heart
- Sitemap
- Bible Truths revealed…
- RE lesson plans Christianity
- Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources
- Death and Life after Death. RE Resources
- Christian hymns and songs. RE resources
- Contemporary Christians. RE resources
- Christian Visitor to talk at school. RE resources
- John Bunyan RE resources Famous Christian
- What did Jesus teach? RE resources
- Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
- The festival of Christmas. RE resources
- Christian festival of Advent. RE resources
- Church year and festival of Harvest. RE resources
- What is the Last Supper? RE resources
- The Harvest festival. RE resources
- Does Christianity change lives? RE resources
- Christmas and Easter simply explained. RE resources
- Famous Christians. RE resources
- Parables of Jesus RE resources
- Christian festival of Holy Week. RE resources
- Looking after our Planet. RE resources
- What are miracles? RE resources
- The Lord's Prayer. RE resources
- What is in the Bible? RE resources
- What is the Church? RE resources
- Christian festival of Easter. RE resources
- Is Jesus a historical figure? RE resources
- What is the Bible? RE resources
- What is Christian baptism? RE resources
- The Biblical Creation story. RE resources
- What did Jesus do? RE resources
- Big Bible stories. RE resources
- KS2 Church Visits. RE Resources
- Christian ministries and talents. RE resources
- Why is there suffering in the World? RE resources
- Rule Cards for Jesus and Nicodemus lesson plan
- Jesus and Nicodemus worksheet
- The Trinity in the Bible and the Holy Spirit. RE resources
- Values example: 'bad' Zacchaeus worksheet 2
- Values example: 'bad' Zacchaeus worksheet 1
- Values example: 'bad' Zacchaeus lesson plan
- Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2
- Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1
- Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan
- Looking after our planet worksheet 1
- Looking after our Planet lesson plan
- Why is there suffering in the world? lesson plan
- Why is there suffering in the World Worksheet 2
- Why is there suffering in the World worksheet 1
- Death and life after death worksheet 2
- Death and life after death worksheet 1
- Death and life after death lesson plan
- What are miracles? lesson plan
- What are miracles worksheet
- The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2
- The Biblical Creation story worksheet 1
- The Biblical Creation story lesson plan
- What is Christian worship worksheet 2
- What is Christian worship worksheet
- Hymns, prayers and creeds lesson plan
- Christian hymns and songs worksheet
- The Lord's Prayer worksheet 2
- The Lord's Prayer lesson plan
- Lord's Prayer worksheet 1
- What is the Last Supper lesson plan
- The Courtroom sketch lesson plan
- Holy Communion worksheet
- Looking at a contemporary Christian RE worksheet
- Contemporary Christians lesson plan
- Questions to ask Christian visitor at school for KS2 lesson
- Organise Christian visitor lesson plan
- The true story of John Bunyan – Children's handout.
- John Bunyan questions worksheet
- John Bunyan lesson plan famous Christian
- What did Jesus teach? Lesson plan
- What did Jesus teach worksheet
- I am the Resurrection sketch lesson plan
- Jesus and Nicodemus worksheet
- Jesus and Nicodemus lesson plan
- How to find Bible verses lesson plan
- Baptism worksheet
- Explaining Easter lesson plan
- Christian festival of Holy Week lesson plan
- Easter worksheet a Football Sketch
- Easter worksheet
- Christian festival of Easter lesson plan
- Holy Week worksheet 2
- Holy week worksheet 1
- The festival of Pentecost lesson plan
- The festival of Lent lesson plan
- Lent Worksheet
- Christmas Nativity drama
- Christmas explained lesson plan
- Advent worksheet
- The Gang Members sketch
- What is the Bible Worksheet 2
- What is the Bible Worksheet 1
- Parables of Jesus worksheet
- Timeline pictures
- What is Church Worksheet 2
- What is Church worksheet 1
- Parables of Jesus lesson plan
- What is in a church service lesson plan
- KS1 & 2 teacher comments on free lesson plans
- Does Christianity change lives? Lesson plan
- Visit to a local Church KS1. RE resources
- What is Christian worship lesson plan
- What is the Bible? Lesson plan
- What is Church lesson plan
- What is Christian baptism lesson plan
- Pentecost Worksheet
- Jesus lesson plan – a historical figure
- Famous Christians – Mary Jones lesson plan
- Church items worksheet
- Christian festival of Advent lesson plan
- Teachers comments from around the world on Free Primary R.E. resources
- About the 'Not Many Wise' website and author
- Children's songs and worship songs
- Real-life stories: wartime children and African safaris
- Revivals and manifestations of the Holy Spirit
- Jesus Christ – a real historical life-changing person
- Putting Bible Truth into all the Church Stuff
- Personal faith and spirituality – Bible truths revealed
- Free Christian lesson plans KS1 and KS2
- Bible Truths revealed in early Genesis, creation, flood, etc
- Privacy Policy
- More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools and Churches
- Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools, Churches and After School Clubs
- Tags to articles