[1] Life is a journey, but where to?
Our life is a journey. No destination in view? But still walking a spiritual pathway that can be rough at times. Heaven should be our focus.
[2] Does God test us?
Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…
[3] How does Satan tempt us?
Temptation example: Jesus had just started His public ministry when He came to a crossroad with four different choices. We too face the same crossroad. First turning: Satisfy your bodily needs! Second turning: Put on a show for the benefit of the Kingdom of God!…
[4] What gives meaning to life?
Sometimes we need something to cut through the confusion, something that is solid and dependable, something that just doesn’t go out of fashion, or wears out, or becomes irrelevant. At those times we can find such reality, such strength from verses in the Bible…
[5] How to feel happy, the feel-good factor.
Many people reach for chocolate, drink, splash some cash or go to a party. But other things have become popular in trying to solve the problem: ‘how to feel happy’. According to the Yellow Pages own old statistics…
[6] Be better at making decisions – deciding at the crossroads.
Not made good decisions? Be better at making decisions – consider conscience, take time and don’t be hasty, ask others who’ve been there…
[7] Who is good?
Who is good? The young man thought he was good and approached Jesus, and asked: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” What a good question! What must WE do to receive eternal life? We are bombarded with how to get a happy life now by all the TV ads etc. But who should…
[8] Do we owe God anything?
Monopoly is good if you’ve got some property with a house or two, and therefore you’ve got a slim chance of winning. But if you’re the one with no sets of properties, then your fate is certain! Whether you survive for the next two minutes, or another hour, it doesn’t really matter, because you know…