Bible Truths revealed in early Genesis, creation, flood, etc

The early chapters of Genesis are given a lot of criticism from some quarters.
Generally, their argument is not based on what they can find from Genesis, but on anger against the idea that there is a God who can intervene in the world.

If anyone is prepared to seek for solid facts within early Genesis they are there, even though it is not a scientific document any descriptions and accounts will be true.

Some will immediately respond that it is a myth, a parable or in figurative language, but the Bible is always clear and informs us of what style it has been written in.

Are there Bible errors in the early chapters of Genesis?

These articles find the facts within the early chapters of Genesis and see what is scientifically viable.
Obviously, it is stands upon the foundation that God designs and creates things.
Or see Are there Bible errors in the early chapters of Genesis? category page.

An honest look at Creation and evolution

These articles look at the theories of evolution, not one detailed theory, because it is not complete, proven, or fully backed by scientists.

These articles also look at creation as revealed in the Bible.

Or see An honest look at Creation and evolution category page.

  • [7] How old are the stars and the universe? A Bible perspective

    [7] How old are the stars and the universe? A Bible perspective

    Distant galaxies in the universe are millions of light years away but we are only just seeing them. How old are the stars, were they instantly created?

  • 1. Evidence for the Big Bang Theory

    1. Evidence for the Big Bang Theory

    Age of the universe how conclusive: Hubble’s Law, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, dark matter hypothesis, Modified Newtonian dynamics…

  • 10. Proof of the evolution of the horse? What change is possible?

    10. Proof of the evolution of the horse? What change is possible?

    Experts disagree on horse ancestral tree. New species are added and existing ones changed. Natural History Museum admits horse evolution is wrong…

  • 11. Scientists who believe in God and the Genesis creation account

    11. Scientists who believe in God and the Genesis creation account

    Scientists who believe in God and Genesis creation being factually true are many. But we are often told that science disproves Christianity.

  • 12. Obligate mutualism

    12. Obligate mutualism

    Where two different things cannot survive without each other. Ficus macrophylla, commonly known as the Moreton Bay Fig, comes from Australia and has an obligate mutualism with fig wasps. This means that the figs are only pollinated by fig wasps, and fig wasps can only reproduce in fig flowers…

  • 13. Has reproduction evolved – the evolution of sex

    13. Has reproduction evolved – the evolution of sex

    How has reproduction evolved over millions of years? It’s got to be functional immediately, otherwise the species dies out after one generation.

  • 14. What is hard for evolution to explain?

    14. What is hard for evolution to explain?

    A first class navigator. The young of the American Golden Plover fly 3000 miles from Alaska across the Pacific ocean to the island of Hawaii – without their parents to guide them! Is that by designed, or trial and error…

  • 15. Stargazing tips – The Pole Star and The Plough

    15. Stargazing tips – The Pole Star and The Plough

    In years gone by, stars were the only means of pathfinding at night; no hobby – a necessity. Stargazing tips: The most useful star in the Northern Hemisphere is No.8 on the diagram, Polaris – the Pole Star; always at the same position in the sky, exactly North and constant. It is not a bright…

  • 2. Must Christians believe in Adam?

    2. Must Christians believe in Adam?

    Evolution or Creation do we have to choose? Popular science says Evolution is indisputable, it’s proof? Anatomy, molecular homology biogeography, fossils…

  • 3. What is the evidence for evolution?

    3. What is the evidence for evolution?

    We are told Evolution is fact. Do we accept that? Or do we add God into the areas of chance? Or believe the Bible creation? Or ignore the subject?

  • 4. Are Scientists always right, consistently infallible?

    4. Are Scientists always right, consistently infallible?

    Do we accept without question a ‘scientific’ view? Are Scientists always right? White lab coats can be in adverts to make the product more credible…

  • 5. Scientific laws and the building blocks of life

    5. Scientific laws and the building blocks of life

    A Physicist on scientific laws: ‘to be a scientist, you had to have faith that the universe is governed by dependable, immutable, absolute, universal, mathematical laws of an unspecified origin…

  • 6. Did all humanity come from Noah? Table of Nations

    6. Did all humanity come from Noah? Table of Nations

    Noah’s relatives in Genesis show their spread at a certain point in time. Opponents to this say it doesn’t mention native American Indians, Aborigines…

  • 8. Do dogs prove evolution and are Bible kinds species?

    8. Do dogs prove evolution and are Bible kinds species?

    Do different breeds of dogs prove evolution confirming Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Upon this theory a whole molecules-to-man evolution has grown…

  • 9. Are dragons real creatures?

    9. Are dragons real creatures?

    UPDATED! There are a lot of references to dragons throughout history, but are dragons real? These creatures are probably based on real, living dinosaurs that are described correctly, or they have been described with the combined features of several dinosaurs, or they may be based on a real dinosaur with additional exaggerations. Written evidence from…

Noah and the worldwide Flood

These articles look at everything to do with the time leading up to the flood, the building of the Ark, the Ark’s viability, the possibility of a ship housing the creatures, the detailed timeline of the flood, the world’s population being traced back to the three wives of Noah’s son’s, etc.

Or see the Noah and the Flood category page.