Personal faith and spirituality – Bible truths revealed

We may wonder what God is like and how does the Bible describe Him?
In this vast universe, can God know us and is it possible to have personal faith in Him, can we get to know Him?
If heaven is real, how do we get in and what is a Christian?

The Bible tells us that God has a purpose for us, so why do bad situations hit us? We each have a conscience so does God speak through that to us?

The world is full of voices and written words, who do we trust?
Is Wikipedia, our education, and the celebrities we may look up to, trustworthy and what is the Truth?

In our everyday lives, we seek happiness, but decisions, temptation and difficult situations come our way.
People seek power and influence, our work life can be hard, is there another world to look forward to?

The Bible describes the end of the world, what is the day of the Lord and how will it all end?

1. Knowing God as your Father:

Who is God in the Bible, Jesus called Him Father, so does that mean we can as well and can He be known?
What makes a Christian, can we call ourselves one and is there a ticket to heaven?
In the Bible God can warn leaders of foreign lands, does God still do that?
In 1939 God did warn Adolf Hitler at the Berghof…
Or see the Knowing God as your Father category page.

  • [1] What is God like? Who is God in the Bible?

    [1] What is God like? Who is God in the Bible?

    Is God distant? A Force for good? An old man with a grey beard? What is God like, he’s real, Father, a King carrying out his purposes, indescribable

  • [2] Can God be known?

    [2] Can God be known?

    God may be closer than you think, but can God be known? The wonderful truth is yes. We′re not as good as we think we are, turning to God…

  • [3] How can I be saved? Ticket to heaven?

    [3] How can I be saved? Ticket to heaven?

    Is there a ticket to get to heaven? How can I be saved? Heaven is reserved for family only, that’s why we are born again by our heavenly Father…

  • [4] What is a Christian?

    [4] What is a Christian?

    A National questionnaire for adults 72% said they were ‘Christian’ but 5% go to church! So what is a Christian? Firstly ‘Christian’ was a nickname!

  • [5] What are the characteristics of God?

    [5] What are the characteristics of God?

    What are God’s qualities – His perfections? What are God’s perfections and what are the characteristics of God? This may seem difficult to pinpoint because God is invisible, dwells in unapproachable light and no one can look at Him and live. That explains why we can’t see God, so we then have to rely on…

  • [6] Adolf Hitler’s warning from God not to start a war

    [6] Adolf Hitler’s warning from God not to start a war

    Adolf Hitler’s warning: It would appear that God did draw a line in the sand and Hitler made a conscious decision to proceed with his plans. The facts come from a documentary “The Nazis: A Warning From History – Hitler’s Path To War”…

  • [7] Does God intervene in the world?

    [7] Does God intervene in the world?

    In God’s eyes Nineveh, the Assyrian city, was a bad city and yet He reached out to them in mercy. It was a warning from God and they certainly didn’t deserve His mercy and they lived 300 miles away from Israel. But God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to preach to them…

2. God’s purpose for us:

Why do bad situations hit us?
Can Christians divorce?
Many want to break free, but break free from what and where does that take us?
How reliable is our conscience?
Or see the God’s purpose for us category page.

  • [1] What is God’s purpose for us?

    [1] What is God’s purpose for us?

    In looking at the subject of ‘God’s purposes for my life’ it is really good to remember that: Throughout history the Lord has always desired to have someone, or a group of people, or a nation, to be His people or spokesperson. So very early on, He chose individuals, like Noah and Abraham, etc. Then…

  • [2] Feeling empty? God can meet you.

    [2] Feeling empty? God can meet you.

    Feeling desperate? So empty that you would do anything to put it right? Jesus said; ‘Happy are those who are like a beggar in spirit…’ Why say that?

  • [3] What is our conscience – can we trust it?

    [3] What is our conscience – can we trust it?

    Is our conscience right? Is it wrong to ignore your conscience? Conscience meaning: a conscience is in EVERYONE… Secondly our conscience is not always right… Thirdly our conscience can be WASHED clean…

  • [4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?

    [4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?

    Can Christians divorce and remarry? Think about Jesus, did he point the finger, no! What does the Bible actually say on divorce?

  • [5] Is wanting to feel important good?

    [5] Is wanting to feel important good?

    Jesus was going to give His life as a ransom to set us free, and there were His followers arguing, over who was the greatest! Would Jesus say: “Well done!” Just imagine the situation, Jesus had chosen the disciples to carry on His work and now He was shortly going to die…

  • [6] How to break free – I want to be free!

    [6] How to break free – I want to be free!

    Have you noticed how some people express how free they are, and yet they dress all the same and are bound to an unwritten code of practice? Whether that is as a Hippie, a Rocker, or even living in Suburbia, most of us ‘conform’ and are bound by outside pressures…

  • [7] Are you overwhelmed by a relentless illness?

    [7] Are you overwhelmed by a relentless illness?

    How to handle difficult situations, let’s look at one very tough circumstance where a woman had been very ill for many, many years. What made matters even worse, according to the Jewish customs, she would have been classed as ‘ceremonially unclean’. That would have meant that she was barred from going to the Temple. But here…

  • [8] Is death a new beginning or darkness?

    [8] Is death a new beginning or darkness?

    Many think of being reunited with departed loved ones but that is wishful thinking. Others say that death is the end. But is death a new beginning? What happens after death?

  • [9] What does God require under an authoritarian regime?

    [9] What does God require under an authoritarian regime?

    What should we do under an authoritarian regime? How does God want us to behave? Jesus’ Israel was under evil Roman rule, how did he respond?

3. Who can we trust?

Does Wikipedia give us the truth? What is Truth anyway?
What about our education was that all correct information we were taught?
Is it good to follow celebrities?
When our trust has been let down and we find ourselves being a victim of fraud, how do we cope with that?
Can we trust all charities with using our money faithfully – find out which charities are bad and which use their money wisely.
Or see the Who can we trust category page.

4. Exploring life and purpose:

How to be happy in this world, make good decisions and be ‘good’ but what is being good?
Does God put us in difficult situations?
How to deal with temptation and what is our spiritual health like?
Or see Exploring life and purpose category page.

5. Understanding our lives by looking at Noah’s life:

Is God reliable, can I trust Him and will He discipline me?
How to get satisfaction from our work, be consistent and stop complaining.
Is this world our home or do we seek for an eternal city?
Or see Understanding our lives category page.

  • [1] Does God change His mind?

    [1] Does God change His mind?

    Can you imagine what the world would be like if there was a fickle God, one who was erratic in his behaviour? What would a relationship be like with Him? Where would you stand with Him? The Bible contains many, many promises, but if God was changeable, these promises would become useless…

  • [10] What God says about patience

    [10] What God says about patience

    It’s a now culture. It’s so hard to wait for stuff! Patience is ridiculed. ‘I get what I want’ impresses but is self-centred, no safety barriers.

  • [11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life

    [11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life

    Have you noticed the difference in how God is described before the Flood (grieved) and then after the Flood (pleased at the sweet fragrance)?

  • [12] Being consistent with God

    [12] Being consistent with God

    Noah should have no problem with being consistent. He overcame many obstacles, had many victories and then suddenly he was caught off guard.

  • [2] Are we born good or bad?

    [2] Are we born good or bad?

    Giants and mighty men: As far as political leaders go there isn’t enough room in the world for very many giants and mighty men with their abuse of power, but in our everyday lives we can come across many who have that mindset…

  • [3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning

    [3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning

    Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.

  • [4] Working for God is different to working with God

    [4] Working for God is different to working with God

    Does our hard work AND God’s miracles go together? Honest hard work is part of God’s plan for our lives. But God made the animals come to Noah!

  • [5] How does God discipline us?

    [5] How does God discipline us?

    Does God allow hardships in life? Does He discipline people? What is the purpose for our life? Noah certainly wasn’t expecting a world wide flood!

  • [6] When is God near to us?

    [6] When is God near to us?

    Knowing God doesn’t always mean an easy life and yet God has said; ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’

  • [7] Learn how to trust God

    [7] Learn how to trust God

    Noah had no sail or rudder, I wonder how he felt – powerless, not in control? Our lives are sometimes swept along by strong currents and storms and it seems to be totally out of our control! How strange to build a huge boat, without any form of propulsion, no sails, no oars, no engine, and…

  • [8] How and why to stop complaining

    [8] How and why to stop complaining

    Learn to stop complaining and be content with your life. No answer to: Why is this happening? You may be in the centre of God’s will and not understand why.

  • [9] Looking forward to eternal life

    [9] Looking forward to eternal life

    Is this world really not you? No resting place – stranger in this world? Then you may be like Noah’s dove and not a raven…

6. The end of the world and how to prepare:

Jesus said quiet a lot about how to prepare for the end of the world.
It is a sobering thought that this whole world as we know it will be burned with fire.
Leading up to the end there will be many disturbing things, a widespread time of persecution and finally the Day of the Lord will be announced with trumpets and then the separation of the believers from the non believers.
Or see The end of the world and how to prepare category page.

  • [1] Does God turn away from us?

    [1] Does God turn away from us?

    Just prior to Jesus giving a detailed teaching on the end of the world, the religious Institution of that day refused to respect his authority. Wise move or not? This place was now forsaken, and to be utterly ruined. By Jesus walking away, it signified the departure of the Presence of God…

  • [2] How to guard against being deceived?

    [2] How to guard against being deceived?

    Stop being deceived. Jesus said: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you.’ Subtle deceptions, signs and wonders, so look at the fruit, read the Bible…

  • [3] How to remain steadfast when the world turns bad

    [3] How to remain steadfast when the world turns bad

    How did the British people feel in 1939, when the Nazis started their onslaught? They had every right to say: “my life’s falling apart!” At times in our lives we may feel that the whole world is crashing down around us. How do we cope at such times? I can remember that sinking feeling when…

  • [4] What happens in times of persecution

    [4] What happens in times of persecution

    When we look at how Jesus describes the time leading up to the end of the world – with all the persecution it can all seem very scary! All that I considered as being stable, and dependable is being ripped away. All those things I hold as being fair, and noble, and honest, are just uprooted…

  • [5] The abomination of desolation and interpreting prophecy

    [5] The abomination of desolation and interpreting prophecy

    I believe we run into problems with prophetical verses, when we remove it from having a practical application. Are we prepared – many Christians through history have received comfort from Revelation, by relating it to themselves in their afflictions, and their sufferings…

  • [6] End of the World according to the Bible

    [6] End of the World according to the Bible

    The Bible describes the end of the world. We need to understand how to interpret prophesy. Fire and heat, darkness and Jesus coming in authority

  • [7] The trumpet call of God – revealing Bible explanation

    [7] The trumpet call of God – revealing Bible explanation

    Trumpets were used for 7 different reasons in the Old Testament and each one is relevant to the second coming of Christ: 1. Meet God 2. For battle…

  • [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day

    [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day

    The end of the world is also called the Day of the Lord and it’s a separating day, one is taken the other left behind, what had they done wrong?

  • [9] Ready to meet God? The Ten Virgins.

    [9] Ready to meet God? The Ten Virgins.

    50% of the church is NOT ready to meet God according to Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins! All ten thought they wanted to meet God. So we are not talking about those who are anti-Christian, or those outside of the church…