Children’s songs appropriate for Parent and Toddler groups and worship songs of interest.
Table of Contents:
1. Parent and Toddler group songs
The old name for these groups was ‘Mother and Toddlers’ but that is obviously outdated now.
Other names can be Baby and toddler groups, Stay and Play sessions and a host of creative names such as Little Fishes, etc.
The songs below are ideal for your toddler playgroups to sing and jump around to, or use at home!
a) If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands song.
As this is part of a Little Kids Song Medley this song will continue into the next one. If you want the next song drop down to the next video clip where I have enabled it to start at that song…
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b) Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes song.
As this is part of a Little Kids Song Medley this song will start at the correct song but then continue into the next one.
If you want the next song drop down to the next video clip where I have enabled it to start at that song…
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c) Do the Hokey Cokey song!
As this is part of a Little Kids Song Medley this song will continue into the next one. If you want the next song drop down to the next video clip where I have enabled it to start at that song…
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d) He’s got the Whole World in His Hands.
As this is part of a Little Kids Song Medley this song will start at the correct place…
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2. Worship songs
a) ‘Majesty – Here I am’
a) ‘Majesty – Here I am’ is a brilliant song to lift the hurting heart.
References and credits – open in new tabs:
I thoroughly recommend John Hardwick’s YouTube channel and his website.