Tag: lesson plans

  • John Bunyan lesson plan famous Christian

    This teacher’s copy of the Famous Christians in History lesson plan is printer-friendly. John Bunyan is an inspiring story of faith from 360 years ago. RESOURCES: Optional: Print out John Bunyan’s story or display words digitally.Optional: A globe, an Atlas, or Google Maps to look up where Beirut is.For Google Maps copy this link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Beirut,+Lebanon/@33.8892183,35.3817161,5z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x151f17215880a78f:0x729182bae99836b4!8m2!3d33.8937913!4d35.5017767!16zL20vMDlianY…

    John Bunyan portrait drawing.
  • Organise Christian visitor lesson plan

    Resources: Organise a visitor to come to the school:Look up where the local churches are, go to Find a Church (which opens in a new tab) and ask for a volunteer (preferably not the Minister, Vicar, or Church leader) to answer questions on: “How is your Christian faith expressed through action in the community” and…

    People sitting in an underground train.
  • Contemporary Christians lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Looking at a Contemporary Christian lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A tape measure or something to measure 120 cm. Optional: Optional: There is a book which shows the story of Jackie Pullinger with manyphotographs and the stories of many ex-drug addicts: ‘Crack In The Wall (Life & Death in Kowloon…

    Jackie Pullinger in the Walled City. Contemporary Christians lesson plan.
  • What is the Last Supper lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the What is Holy Communion – the Last Supper lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: To perform the Courtroom sketch, these characters need to be found: Print off the Courtroom sketch lesson plan! STARTER: Imagine receiving a letter from someone very close to you, someone whom you love and admire.In this letter,…

    Bread and wine with grapes on a table. What is the Last Supper lesson plan.
  • The Lord’s Prayer lesson plan

    Haven’t got the time to find out the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer? No need for hours of studying, just pick up and use this Lord’s prayer teacher guide. Here is the Lord’s Prayer lesson plan to teach in one easy session! There is no real school curriculum for the Lord’s Prayer, but this kid’s…

    The Lord's Prayer lesson plan. Landscape with "The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayer." 1 Peter 3:12 NLT
  • Hymns, prayers and creeds lesson plan

    Hymns, prayers and creeds are all part of Christian worship. This free lesson plan is complete with a worksheet and is in addition to the What is Christian Worship lesson plan This teacher’s copy of the Hymns, prayers and Creeds lesson plan is printer-friendly. 1. Resources for Hymns, prayers and creeds lesson plan Optional: Copy…

    A formal worship service.
  • What is Christian worship lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the What is Christian Worship lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: An A4 sheet of paper for each child, (could be coloured paper), brown would be good.Optional: Some pictures of football players, (or pop stars, if using the alternative illustration).Optional: Something that can play music + a reading book which requires a…

    A hand reaching to the sky in worship.
  • The Biblical Creation story lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of The Biblical Creation story lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A wastepaper bin with some rubbish in it.A smartphone.A flower or a leaf. STARTER: I have made something that I want you to see:I need a volunteer to say what they think of it. (Teacher’s note: Hold up the wastepaper bin with…

    Stormy sky with light piercing through. The Biblical Creation story lesson plan.
  • What are miracles? lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the What are miracles? lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A board with 4 headings written on it: STARTER: [1] If an ordinary person in the street… …goes up to someone else and says:“I’m arresting you on suspicion of burglary.”They would look at this person and say: “What authority, or right have…

    Jesus heals the lame man. What are miracles? lesson plan.
  • Death and life after death lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Death and life after death lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A cardboard box on a table with a dish containing a little bit of fat/lard in it and a big cloth over it, so no one knows what is inside the box.Three pieces of paper describing what is reckoned to…

    Six different gravestones. Death and life after death lesson plan.
  • Why is there suffering in the world? lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Why is there suffering in the world? Lesson Plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Optional: Internet to look up charities, but unfortunately there are many charities that pay their executives extremely high salaries, see:[1] What Charity Should I Donate To? opens in a new tab. For the better side of charities see…

    Old man sculpture in pain. Why is there suffering in the world? lesson plan.
  • Looking after our Planet lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Looking after our planet lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A football or something similar to pretend to give to someone to use, but also to look after.A measuring ruler. STARTER: Here is a football (or some sort of ‘gift’).Let’s pretend I am going to lend you this.You can use it…

    Planet Earth. Looking after our planet lesson plan
  • Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Cards with good values written on them – one per card: Each child gets just one of these cards. STARTER: Many people may not know very much about Christianity, but there is one thing that everybody would agree on, and that…

    Clothes on mannequins in a shopping mall. Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan.
  • Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan

    This teachers copy of the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan is printer friendly. RESOURCES: No extra resources are required. Optional: Internet to look up charities, but unfortunately there are many charities that pay their executives extremely high salaries, see:[1] What Charity Should I Donate To? opens in a new tab. For the better side of…

    A pile of gold coins. Values example: 'bad' Zacchaeus lesson plan.