Tag: conscience

  • More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools and Churches

    This is book number two in this series and although the characters and conversations have been added for dramatization purposes these scripts still remain true to the original Bible stories. Description for More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts Children really enter into these dramas and imagine themselves in the stories where they can learn about…

    Book: More Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools and Churches
  • Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools, Churches and After School Clubs

    Retells the bible stories in an authentic and modern way, with the aim that the truth of the story is not lost.Children love to act out these five Bible story drama scripts for schools or churches. Description of the Bible Story Drama Scripts Retells the bible stories in an authentic and modern way, with the…

    A book: "Humorous Bible Story Drama Scripts for Schools, Churches and After School Clubs"
  • Personal faith and spirituality – Bible truths revealed

    We may wonder what God is like and how does the Bible describe Him? In this vast universe, can God know us and is it possible to have personal faith in Him, can we get to know Him?If heaven is real, how do we get in and what is a Christian? The Bible tells us…

  • Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

    How should we live our lives? The children can look at some life choices and see what they would choose and why.The second lesson plan looks at a man called Zacchaeus who was very greedy and cheated people out of their money, that is until he met Jesus… 1. Teacher’s background information. Some people live…

  • Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Cards with good values written on them – one per card: Each child gets just one of these cards. STARTER: Many people may not know very much about Christianity, but there is one thing that everybody would agree on, and that…

    Clothes on mannequins in a shopping mall. Lifestyle and moral principles lesson plan.
  • Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. This lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1 shows that This worksheet relates to the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson planWhich has a Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

  • Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. The lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 2 shows that This worksheet relates to the Lifestyle and moral principles lesson planWhich has a Lifestyle and moral principles worksheet 1See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

  • Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan

    This teachers copy of the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan is printer friendly. RESOURCES: No extra resources are required. Optional: Internet to look up charities, but unfortunately there are many charities that pay their executives extremely high salaries, see:[1] What Charity Should I Donate To? opens in a new tab. For the better side of…

    A pile of gold coins. Values example: 'bad' Zacchaeus lesson plan.
  • Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 1 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

  • Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 2 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources

  • [2] Are we born good or bad?

    Giants and mighty men: As far as political leaders go there isn’t enough room in the world for very many giants and mighty men with their abuse of power, but in our everyday lives we can come across many who have that mindset…

    Medieval camp and horseman.
  • [5] How to check if charities waste money

    How much does it cost per person to help? Which charities waste money? How much is spent on massive executive salaries and not the poor?

    A £5 note and two credit cards
  • [3] What is our conscience – can we trust it?

    Is our conscience right? Is it wrong to ignore your conscience? Conscience meaning: a conscience is in EVERYONE… Secondly our conscience is not always right… Thirdly our conscience can be WASHED clean…

    Straw Bear Festival with their strange costumes.
  • 3. What is the evidence for evolution?

    We are told Evolution is fact. Do we accept that? Or do we add God into the areas of chance? Or believe the Bible creation? Or ignore the subject?

    Evolution of the head and skull
  • [3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning

    Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.

    A house with scaffolding.
  • [4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?

    Can Christians divorce and remarry? Think about Jesus, did he point the finger, no! What does the Bible actually say on divorce?

    A man's wedding ring on his finger - can Christians divorce and remarry?
  • [6] How to donate to charities

    Included are some popular charities that many Christians donate to (but are not in the top 100 of the last article) and some of the salaries are horribly excessive. Then I suggest some alternative charities which don’t pay millions of pounds in huge salaries…

    A few from Watoto African Children's choir June 2011
  • [6] Be better at making decisions – deciding at the crossroads.

    Not made good decisions? Be better at making decisions – consider conscience, take time and don’t be hasty, ask others who’ve been there…

    A van entering a flooded road.