[1] Church leadership problems – choosing authentic leaders
Church leadership problems, a ministry without conversions should stop. No sense of responsibility, not sent by God who bring no-one to God.
Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan
This teachers copy of the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson plan is printer friendly. RESOURCES: No extra resources are required. Optional: Internet to look up charities, but unfortunately there are many charities that pay their executives extremely high salaries, see:[1] What Charity Should I Donate To? opens in a new tab. For the better side of…
Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 1 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources
Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 2
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.Values example: bad Zacchaeus worksheet 2 shows: This worksheet is related to the Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus lesson planThere is a Values example: ‘bad’ Zacchaeus worksheet 1See also: Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources
[2] Does God test us?
Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…
[4] Can Christians divorce and remarry?
Can Christians divorce and remarry? Think about Jesus, did he point the finger, no! What does the Bible actually say on divorce?
[5] The Holy Spirit and living a godly life
The old term for a godly life is sanctification. The filling of the Holy Spirit helps living a godly life, but it’s not ‘sanctification’ itself. Think of all the troubles at Corinth!
[4] What happens in times of persecution
When we look at how Jesus describes the time leading up to the end of the world – with all the persecution it can all seem very scary! All that I considered as being stable, and dependable is being ripped away. All those things I hold as being fair, and noble, and honest, are just uprooted…
[3] How does Satan tempt us?
Temptation example: Jesus had just started His public ministry when He came to a crossroad with four different choices. We too face the same crossroad. First turning: Satisfy your bodily needs! Second turning: Put on a show for the benefit of the Kingdom of God!…
[6] Be better at making decisions – deciding at the crossroads.
Not made good decisions? Be better at making decisions – consider conscience, take time and don’t be hasty, ask others who’ve been there…
[7] Looking for and needing revival
Does the poor condition of churches, or a godless society stop revival? Revivals often were spawned by reading past moves of God. Learning from how George Whitefield was revived.
[8] How and why to stop complaining
Learn to stop complaining and be content with your life. No answer to: Why is this happening? You may be in the centre of God’s will and not understand why.
[9] Looking forward to eternal life
Is this world really not you? No resting place – stranger in this world? Then you may be like Noah’s dove and not a raven…
[6] End of the World according to the Bible
The Bible describes the end of the world. We need to understand how to interpret prophesy. Fire and heat, darkness and Jesus coming in authority
[10] What God says about patience
It’s a now culture. It’s so hard to wait for stuff! Patience is ridiculed. ‘I get what I want’ impresses but is self-centred, no safety barriers.