Does Christianity change lives? Lesson plan
This teacher’s copy of the Does Christianity change lives lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: To perform the ‘Gang Members sketch’, these characters need to be found: Print off the ‘Gang Members sketch‘. STARTER: Imagine being dropped off at a railway station, walking in the main entrance and thinking; ‘I’ve got to buy some railway tickets.’…
The Gang Members sketch
This sketch relates to Does Christianity change lives? Lesson planAlso see: Does Christianity change lives? RE resources [BOY WITH HIS GIRL FRIEND WALKING TOGETHER, THEY COME ROUND ACORNER AND SEE A GANG OF 3] Boy: Oh no! They look tough – let’s pretend we don’t know each other, otherwise they might mock us! Girl: But…
Does Christianity change lives? RE resources
When someone truly becomes a Christian, people should see a change in their behaviour. For example, no more cheating, bullying, aggressive attitudes and more peace and fulfilment. These things may not come immediately, though they can when someone is ‘converted’ – that is, they decide to follow Jesus. 1. Teacher’s background information. To mark this…
Famous Christians. RE resources
Everybody is unique.Some people do not drift along with the crowd, they push through on things they believe are right.Because of this, some are remembered throughout history for what they achieved. 1. Teacher’s background information. The lesson plan will look at a young girl from history.She was not great at sports, she did not invent…
Famous Christians – Mary Jones lesson plan
This teacher’s copy of the Famous Christians – Mary Jones lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: Look up the Welsh village of Llanfihangel-y-Pennant, North Wales on Google Maps.To see her journey see: Mary Jones’ walk to Bala and back opens in a new tab. Optional: Internet to look up your local Christian bookshop.Also, look at the…
Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
The names Lent, Ascension and Pentecost don’t tell us much about what happened on these days. Here are three lesson plans for these events. 1. Teacher’s background information. This resource page looks at three festivals: [1] The Festival of Lent celebrates when Jesus went out into the desert without food for 40 days (this is…
The festival of Lent lesson plan
Are you looking for a lent lesson plan? Lent involves temptation. Jesus spent forty days fasting with no food, the devil tempts him with food but Jesus says no to it. What is going on? This Lent lesson plan is ready to use with a worksheet. This teacher’s copy of the Festival of Lent lesson…
Lent Worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Lent Worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the The festival of Lent lesson plan (includes a very short introduction to the Trinity).Also see the: Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
Pentecost Worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Pentecost Worksheet contains information about: This worksheet relates to the The festival of Pentecost lesson planAlso see the: Lent, Ascension Day & Pentecost festivals. RE resources
Christian festival of Holy Week. RE resources
Holy Week looks at the events that lead up to Jesus’ unlawful trial. 1. Teacher’s background information. In this lesson plan, the children learn how Jesus, knowing that the religious leaders were jealous of him and wanted to kill him, continued to go to Jerusalem to teach the crowds about God and the Kingdom of…
Christian festival of Holy Week lesson plan
Here is an off-the-shelf Easter Holy Week lesson plan with two Holy Week worksheets. There is no need to waste time trying to work out a lesson plan because here is a free one based on the Christian Holy Week This covers the lead-up to Easter and covers the whole Easter story in two parts:…
Holy week worksheet 1
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Holy week worksheet 1 contains: See Holy Week worksheet 2This worksheet relates to the Christian festival of Holy Week lesson plan (Palm Sunday to Thursday night).See also the Christian festival of Holy Week. RE resources
Holy Week worksheet 2
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Holy Week worksheet 2 contains: See Holy Week worksheet 1This worksheet relates to the Christian festival of Holy Week lesson plan (Palm Sunday to Thursday night).See also the Christian festival of Holy Week. RE resources
Christian festival of Easter. RE resources
The Easter break may signify Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and an Easter hunt, but why is it so important for Christians? 1. Teacher’s background information. The festival of Easter tells the story of how Jesus was unlawfully treated, beaten, whipped and crucified and yet Christians rejoice at the outcome 3 days later. 2. Lesson plans…
Christian festival of Easter lesson plan
Are you struggling with an Easter lesson plan? Look no further! Here is a free, complete lesson plan with a Football sketch and an Easter worksheet. This Easter story is part 2, which covers Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and rising fromthe grave does stand alone if necessary. But this lesson plan on Easter for KS2 is…
Easter worksheet a Football Sketch
This teachers copy of the Easter worksheet (Football Sketch) is printer friendly. This worksheet relates to the Christian festival of Easter lesson planOther worksheet: Easter worksheetAlso see the Christian festival of Easter. RE resources Football Sketch (Teachers note: You will need 2 small children, a neighbour, a parent and Monopoly money)[THE TWO CHILDREN ARE PASSING…
Easter worksheet
Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Easter worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the Christian festival of Easter lesson planOther worksheet: Easter worksheet – Football sketchAlso see the Christian festival of Easter. RE resources