Tag: faith

  • [7] Are you overwhelmed by a relentless illness?

    How to handle difficult situations, let’s look at one very tough circumstance where a woman had been very ill for many, many years. What made matters even worse, according to the Jewish customs, she would have been classed as ‘ceremonially unclean’. That would have meant that she was barred from going to the Temple. But here…

    Hospital infusion pump for chemo and other drips.
  • [7] Who is good?

    Who is good? The young man thought he was good and approached Jesus, and asked: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” What a good question! What must WE do to receive eternal life? We are bombarded with how to get a happy life now by all the TV ads etc. But who should…

    World war 1 war medal.
  • [8] Is death a new beginning or darkness?

    Many think of being reunited with departed loved ones but that is wishful thinking. Others say that death is the end. But is death a new beginning? What happens after death?

    A graveyard. Is death a new beginning or darkness? What happens after death?
  • [8] Do we owe God anything?

    Monopoly is good if you’ve got some property with a house or two, and therefore you’ve got a slim chance of winning. But if you’re the one with no sets of properties, then your fate is certain! Whether you survive for the next two minutes, or another hour, it doesn’t really matter, because you know…

    Monopoly game in progress.
  • 11. Scientists who believe in God and the Genesis creation account

    Scientists who believe in God and Genesis creation being factually true are many. But we are often told that science disproves Christianity.

    Scientific student making notes.
  • 13. Has reproduction evolved – the evolution of sex

    How has reproduction evolved over millions of years? It’s got to be functional immediately, otherwise the species dies out after one generation.

    Lovers holding hands.
  • [5] What are the characteristics of God?

    What are God’s qualities – His perfections? What are God’s perfections and what are the characteristics of God? This may seem difficult to pinpoint because God is invisible, dwells in unapproachable light and no one can look at Him and live. That explains why we can’t see God, so we then have to rely on…

    Colchester castle
  • [2] Satan knows the importance of unity

    Satan can raise the importance of unity, why when he wants it destroyed. But Satan hates the Bible – God’s Word, even more than he hates unity.

    Two faces turned away from each other.
  • [4] Seeing what God sees

    Jesus the Prophet part 3. He is the speaking prophet who teaches us to see into our own hearts and to see how hollow the things of this world are and he tells us about the excellent unseen heavenly things…

    Midas sports car on Scotland's north coast.
  • [5] Baptism meaning – Problematic in practice

    Baptism meaning: In a font, Baptistry or river? Very problematic in practice and has caused a lot of conflict between different Christian groups.

    A stone font for baptisms
  • [11] How to please God – a sweet smelling life

    Have you noticed the difference in how God is described before the Flood (grieved) and then after the Flood (pleased at the sweet fragrance)?

    Corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanum
  • [8] The Day of the Lord is to be a separating day

    The end of the world is also called the Day of the Lord and it’s a separating day, one is taken the other left behind, what had they done wrong?

    A group of people - some will be taken, others not.
  • [12] Being consistent with God

    Noah should have no problem with being consistent. He overcame many obstacles, had many victories and then suddenly he was caught off guard.

    Noah lays drunk and naked in his open tent.
  • [9] Ready to meet God? The Ten Virgins.

    50% of the church is NOT ready to meet God according to Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins! All ten thought they wanted to meet God. So we are not talking about those who are anti-Christian, or those outside of the church…

    An old oil lamp burning.