Tag: faith

  • The Courtroom sketch lesson plan

    This worksheet relates to the What is the Last Supper lesson plan with another Holy Communion worksheetSee also: What is the Last Supper? RE resources [JUDGE SEATED, THE GUILTY PERSON STANDING] Judge: You have been found guilty on all accounts. The Law can show no mercy to you, even though you are in very poor…

  • Holy Communion worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Holy Communion worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the What is the Last Supper lesson planThe Courtroom sketch lesson planWhat is the Last Supper? RE resources

  • What is the Last Supper? RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus had said several times that he was going to be betrayed, crucified and then to be raised from the dead. It was the Jewish Passover and Jesus: “took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in…

  • Lord’s Prayer worksheet 1

    This worksheet relates to the Lord’s Prayer lesson planwith the Lord’s Prayer worksheet 2Also see: The Lord’s Prayer. RE resources

  • The Lord’s Prayer worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Lord’s Prayer worksheet 2 contains: This worksheet relates to the Lord’s Prayer lesson planwith the Lord’s Prayer worksheet 1Also see: The Lord’s Prayer. RE resources

  • The Lord’s Prayer. RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus was in the middle of a teaching session when he turned his attention to prayer. Firstly he told the crowd how not to pray and then he gave an example of how to pray.The prayer will be broken down so that the children will see what the different parts mean.…

  • What is Christian worship worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This What is Christian worship worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the What is Christian worship lesson planWhich has the What is Christian worship worksheet 1See also: Christian hymns and songs. RE resources

  • Hymns, prayers and creeds lesson plan

    Hymns, prayers and creeds are all part of Christian worship. This free lesson plan is complete with a worksheet and is in addition to the What is Christian Worship lesson plan This teacher’s copy of the Hymns, prayers and Creeds lesson plan is printer-friendly. 1. Resources for Hymns, prayers and creeds lesson plan Optional: Copy…

    A formal worship service.
  • Christian hymns and songs worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This RE Christian hymns and songs worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the Hymns, prayers and creeds lesson planSee also: Christian hymns and songs. RE resources

  • What is Christian worship lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the What is Christian Worship lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: An A4 sheet of paper for each child, (could be coloured paper), brown would be good.Optional: Some pictures of football players, (or pop stars, if using the alternative illustration).Optional: Something that can play music + a reading book which requires a…

    A hand reaching to the sky in worship.
  • Christian hymns and songs. RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. In the very early church, they sang Psalms (found in the Bible).Monks chanted prayers which consisted of melodic repetitive sounds.Hymns developed, firstly led by secular, travelling musicians which would be haphazard. Then church organs came in which gave more control over the singing.More recently, many churches have a musical group often…

  • What is Christian worship worksheet

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This What is Christian worship worksheet contains: This worksheet relates to the What is Christian worship lesson planWhich has the What is Christian worship worksheet 2See also: Christian hymns and songs. RE resources

  • The Biblical Creation story. RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. The Biblical Creation story describes the beginning of the world in six stages, in six days: The children will investigate what the Bible says about creation and then they can see how that fits with modern scientific views. 2. Lesson plans and resources for The Biblical Creation story. For teacher’s further…

  • The Biblical Creation story worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. This Biblical Creation story worksheet 1 asks the question: This worksheet relates to The Biblical Creation story lesson plan Which has The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2See also: The Biblical Creation story. RE resources

  • The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2 asks: This worksheet relates to The Biblical Creation story lesson plan Which has The Biblical Creation story worksheet 1See also: The Biblical Creation story. RE resources

  • [2] Do you follow celebrities – the urge to follow someone

    Celebs are famous due to advertising and hype. Do you follow celebrities? What publicity did Jesus have? He has more followers than anyone…

    Celebrities on Instagram showing search results.
  • What are miracles? RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. What are miracles? A dictionary may say that a miracle is an extraordinary event showing divine intervention in human affairs. People being healed from things that the doctors of the day could not heal is an extraordinary event. The Jews in Jesus’ time were looking for the Messiah (or ‘Christ’ in…

  • [1] What is Communion, is it the Passover Meal?

    Jesus finished the Passover meal in a different way. What is Communion? It points to the Jews leaving Egypt, but also to himself…

    A horned sheep on rocky hillside.