Free Christian lesson plans KS1 and KS2

Free Christian lesson plans ready to present to children. A mixture of PowerPoint presentations, detailed lesson plans and worksheets.

Subjects covered are; What is the Church? Taking a look at places of worship, What is in a Christian service at church? Is Jesus a historical figure?
The parables of Jesus, Christmas and Easter are simply explained, Noah and the Flood Bible Story video.
Does Christianity change lives? What is in the Bible? Explaining Harvest Festival, famous Christians – Mary Jones a little girl.
The Christian Festivals of Advent, Lent, Pentecost, Holy Week and Ascension Day are explained. What is Baptism and Confirmation? What is the Bible? The story of Jesus and Nicodemus, how to find Bible verses.
What sort of things did Jesus do? What did Jesus teach? Famous Christian in history – John Bunyan.
Looking at a contemporary Christian. The Lord’s Prayer. What is Holy Communion – the Last Supper?
Hymns, prayers and creeds, what is the Biblical Creation story? What are miracles? The Trinity and Holy Spirit. Death and life after death, why is there suffering in the World?
Looking after our Planet. Christian ministries and talents. Lifestyle and moral principles – Zacchaeus.

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    • Christian festival of Advent. RE resources

      The word Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘coming’.The Festival of Advent celebrates two things, firstly the time when Jesus came from heaven and was born as a baby.Secondly, Christians believe that Advent looks forward to when Jesus will return to the Earth. 1. Teacher’s background information. Advent celebrates Jesus’s coming to this Earth as a man…

    • Church year and festival of Harvest. RE resources

      The children will be given a quick outline of the Christian festivals that make up the Church Year, and then a more in-depth look at the Harvest Festival. 1. Teacher’s background information. Many churches, like the Anglican Church (Church of England), celebrate the Christian festivals throughout the year. Some of the ‘Nonconformist’ / ‘Free churches’…

    • Christmas and Easter simply explained. RE resources

      Both Christmas and Easter can be difficult subjects in Christian Religious Education, here it is broken down into an easy-to-use lesson plan. 1. Teacher’s background information. [a] Here the children can discover the real, tough story of Christmas – a poor girl heavily pregnant having to travel 90 miles [145 km] on a donkey over…

    • The Harvest festival. RE resources

      It is so easy to get detached from the thought that we rely upon farmers to provide us with food, because many children, and some adults, think no further than their nearest supermarket. 1. Teacher’s background information. Here the young children (keystage one) can discover what a Harvest Festival is all about. Christians believe that…

    • Does Christianity change lives? RE resources

      When someone truly becomes a Christian, people should see a change in their behaviour. For example, no more cheating, bullying, aggressive attitudes and more peace and fulfilment. These things may not come immediately, though they can when someone is ‘converted’ – that is, they decide to follow Jesus. 1. Teacher’s background information. To mark this…

    • Big Bible stories. RE resources

      Everyone likes a good story and the Bible is full of them! 1. Teacher’s background information. These are the stories we will be looking at: [a] Naomi had a husband and two sons, but they had to move to a different country when a famine came.Then her husband died, quickly followed by her two sons……

    • What is the Bible? RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. The Bible is the world’s best-selling book – it does not appear in the ‘book charts’ because the other books do not stand a chance!20 million Bibles sold each year, that’s 54,945 Bibles sold every day. Take a look at the figures for book sales since the first editions: estimated at:…

    • Is Jesus a historical figure? RE resources

      Jesus is a proven historical person.He was different, he spoke about God in a real way and he loved people. 1. Teacher’s background information. Is Jesus a historical figure like Napoleon Bonaparte or Julius Caesar? Yes, he is proven to be a real historical person according to ancient secular records as well as Christian writings.…

    • Famous Christians. RE resources

      Everybody is unique.Some people do not drift along with the crowd, they push through on things they believe are right.Because of this, some are remembered throughout history for what they achieved. 1. Teacher’s background information. The lesson plan will look at a young girl from history.She was not great at sports, she did not invent…