Free Christian lesson plans KS1 and KS2

Free Christian lesson plans ready to present to children. A mixture of PowerPoint presentations, detailed lesson plans and worksheets.

Subjects covered are; What is the Church? Taking a look at places of worship, What is in a Christian service at church? Is Jesus a historical figure?
The parables of Jesus, Christmas and Easter are simply explained, Noah and the Flood Bible Story video.
Does Christianity change lives? What is in the Bible? Explaining Harvest Festival, famous Christians – Mary Jones a little girl.
The Christian Festivals of Advent, Lent, Pentecost, Holy Week and Ascension Day are explained. What is Baptism and Confirmation? What is the Bible? The story of Jesus and Nicodemus, how to find Bible verses.
What sort of things did Jesus do? What did Jesus teach? Famous Christian in history – John Bunyan.
Looking at a contemporary Christian. The Lord’s Prayer. What is Holy Communion – the Last Supper?
Hymns, prayers and creeds, what is the Biblical Creation story? What are miracles? The Trinity and Holy Spirit. Death and life after death, why is there suffering in the World?
Looking after our Planet. Christian ministries and talents. Lifestyle and moral principles – Zacchaeus.

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    • What is the Last Supper? RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus had said several times that he was going to be betrayed, crucified and then to be raised from the dead. It was the Jewish Passover and Jesus: “took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in…

    • The Lord’s Prayer. RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus was in the middle of a teaching session when he turned his attention to prayer. Firstly he told the crowd how not to pray and then he gave an example of how to pray.The prayer will be broken down so that the children will see what the different parts mean.…

    • Christian hymns and songs. RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. In the very early church, they sang Psalms (found in the Bible).Monks chanted prayers which consisted of melodic repetitive sounds.Hymns developed, firstly led by secular, travelling musicians which would be haphazard. Then church organs came in which gave more control over the singing.More recently, many churches have a musical group often…

    • Contemporary Christians. RE resources

      It is easy to think of Christians as people who lived many years ago, but here we look at someone who, while writing this lesson plan, is still doing Christian work in a very challenging situation… 1. Teacher’s background information. Twenty-two-year-old Jackie Pullinger felt that she wanted to help other people, so with a love…

    • Christian Visitor to talk at school. RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. Invite a Christian visitor, an active Christian, into school to talk about themselves and to answer the children’s questions. Find out how they express their Christian faith: What motivates them?How did they become a Christian?Why and how do they pray, etc. 2. Lesson plans and resources for the: Christian visitor to…

    • John Bunyan RE resources Famous Christian

      Being a true Christian is living a life that is right before God.This can bring heartache and pain, but God gives blessings during these times. 1. Teacher’s background information. John Bunyan lived 360 years ago and was an early ‘non-conformist’ who tried to live according to his faith outside the government-controlled church. Unfortunately, he suffered…

    • What is in the Bible? RE resources

      The children will learn that the Bible consists of many books written by many authors over thousands of years and they all form one complete book. 1. Teacher’s background information. Christians believe that this book has been inspired by God and reveals things about himself and us.What can the Bible teach us nowadays? The Bible…

    • What did Jesus teach? RE resources

      The Old Testament had many laws and the most famous collection of laws was the Ten Commandments. For hundreds of years, the Jews thought that believing in God was only about obeying all those laws. 1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus came and seemed to take the Ten Commandments even further: “You have heard that it…

    • Christian festival of Easter. RE resources

      The Easter break may signify Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and an Easter hunt, but why is it so important for Christians? 1. Teacher’s background information. The festival of Easter tells the story of how Jesus was unlawfully treated, beaten, whipped and crucified and yet Christians rejoice at the outcome 3 days later. 2. Lesson plans…

    • Christian festival of Holy Week. RE resources

      Holy Week looks at the events that lead up to Jesus’ unlawful trial. 1. Teacher’s background information. In this lesson plan, the children learn how Jesus, knowing that the religious leaders were jealous of him and wanted to kill him, continued to go to Jerusalem to teach the crowds about God and the Kingdom of…

    • The festival of Christmas. RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. There is a reminder of the Church Year and its Christian festivals. Then there is a detailed look at how Christmas came about, with various visits from angels, the scandal of a girl becoming pregnant, the inconvenience and pain of having to travel to Bethlehem, the worry of no rooms to…

    • What did Jesus do? RE resources

      1. Teacher’s background information. In just three years Jesus taught people about the Kingdom of Heaven, performed miracles, spoke out against the religious leaders and lived such a perfect life his accusers could find nothing wrong in his life. Christians believe that Jesus was sent by God for a very special mission to basically stand…