Tag: God’s purposes

  • The Biblical Creation story worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. This Biblical Creation story worksheet 1 asks the question: This worksheet relates to The Biblical Creation story lesson plan Which has The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2See also: The Biblical Creation story. RE resources

  • The Biblical Creation story. RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. The Biblical Creation story describes the beginning of the world in six stages, in six days: The children will investigate what the Bible says about creation and then they can see how that fits with modern scientific views. 2. Lesson plans and resources for The Biblical Creation story. For teacher’s further…

  • The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet. The Biblical Creation story worksheet 2 asks: This worksheet relates to The Biblical Creation story lesson plan Which has The Biblical Creation story worksheet 1See also: The Biblical Creation story. RE resources

  • Death and life after death lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Death and life after death lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A cardboard box on a table with a dish containing a little bit of fat/lard in it and a big cloth over it, so no one knows what is inside the box.Three pieces of paper describing what is reckoned to…

    Six different gravestones. Death and life after death lesson plan.
  • Looking after our Planet. RE resources

    1. Teacher’s background information. This world has been carefully designed to produce creatures, animals and plants in abundance. “…And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”…

  • Looking after our Planet lesson plan

    This teacher’s copy of the Looking after our planet lesson plan is printer-friendly. RESOURCES: A football or something similar to pretend to give to someone to use, but also to look after.A measuring ruler. STARTER: Here is a football (or some sort of ‘gift’).Let’s pretend I am going to lend you this.You can use it…

    Planet Earth. Looking after our planet lesson plan
  • Looking after our planet worksheet 1

    Print page 2 only, to get just the worksheet.This looking after our planet worksheet 1 shows the things that: This worksheet relates to Looking after our planet lesson planAlso see: Looking after our planet. RE resources

  • Christian ministries and talents. RE resources

    We are not all the same, some are good at music, others at writing stories, others at drawing, and others at sports.God gives talents and abilities to everyone. Some Christians choose to use their talents in paid Christian work, while others give their time and skills for free. 1. Teacher’s background information. Christian ministries may…

  • [2] Does God test us?

    Jesus’ disciples were in an extremely tough, violent storm, but God can allow difficult situations to test us. He wants our faith and trust in Him to grow…

    A Kayak in heavy seas.
  • [3] Work can be boring but work should not lack meaning

    Does toil and tedium sum up your life, it’s like a long, hard haul. Noah had to build the Ark for 100 years, that sounds like drudgery and hard work.

    A house with scaffolding.
  • [4] Working for God is different to working with God

    Does our hard work AND God’s miracles go together? Honest hard work is part of God’s plan for our lives. But God made the animals come to Noah!

    Two zebra.
  • 1. We rebel against God

    The Bible reveals Jesus the King of the Kingdom of God. He is full of love and mixes with all, but many reject him and hate him without reason…

    Ramsey 1940's weekend with British soldiers relaxing by there tents and weapons.
  • 5. Scientific laws and the building blocks of life

    A Physicist on scientific laws: ‘to be a scientist, you had to have faith that the universe is governed by dependable, immutable, absolute, universal, mathematical laws of an unspecified origin…

    Jodrell Bank radio telescope
  • [5] How does God discipline us?

    Does God allow hardships in life? Does He discipline people? What is the purpose for our life? Noah certainly wasn’t expecting a world wide flood!

    Granny, or Nanny, and grandson playing.
  • [4] What happens in times of persecution

    When we look at how Jesus describes the time leading up to the end of the world – with all the persecution it can all seem very scary! All that I considered as being stable, and dependable is being ripped away. All those things I hold as being fair, and noble, and honest, are just uprooted…

    Raging torrent sweeping through trees.
  • 12. Obligate mutualism

    Where two different things cannot survive without each other. Ficus macrophylla, commonly known as the Moreton Bay Fig, comes from Australia and has an obligate mutualism with fig wasps. This means that the figs are only pollinated by fig wasps, and fig wasps can only reproduce in fig flowers…

    Mutualism: yucca moth eats a few yucca seeds while being protected and then pollinates the Yucca flowers.
  • [1] What is Christian unity? So many denominations!

    What is Christian unity and denominations in the Kingdom of God? It’s people that are important. Christians are now in fellowship with Almighty God.

    A demonstration in France
  • [2] Satan knows the importance of unity

    Satan can raise the importance of unity, why when he wants it destroyed. But Satan hates the Bible – God’s Word, even more than he hates unity.

    Two faces turned away from each other.