John Bunyan RE resources Famous Christian
Being a true Christian is living a life that is right before God.This can bring heartache and pain, but God gives blessings during these times. 1. Teacher’s background information. John Bunyan lived 360 years ago and was an early ‘non-conformist’ who tried to live according to his faith outside the government-controlled church. Unfortunately, he suffered…
Christian Visitor to talk at school. RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. Invite a Christian visitor, an active Christian, into school to talk about themselves and to answer the children’s questions. Find out how they express their Christian faith: What motivates them?How did they become a Christian?Why and how do they pray, etc. 2. Lesson plans and resources for the: Christian visitor to…
KS2 Church Visits. RE Resources
There are many different churches, why is that?What do they do differently and what elements are the same? 1. Teacher’s background information. The KS1 church visit lesson plan looked at the sort of things that are found in and around a church.This KS2 church visit (hopefully two visits as suggested in many local syllabi) looks…
Contemporary Christians. RE resources
It is easy to think of Christians as people who lived many years ago, but here we look at someone who, while writing this lesson plan, is still doing Christian work in a very challenging situation… 1. Teacher’s background information. Twenty-two-year-old Jackie Pullinger felt that she wanted to help other people, so with a love…
What is the Last Supper? RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus had said several times that he was going to be betrayed, crucified and then to be raised from the dead. It was the Jewish Passover and Jesus: “took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in…
The Lord’s Prayer. RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. Jesus was in the middle of a teaching session when he turned his attention to prayer. Firstly he told the crowd how not to pray and then he gave an example of how to pray.The prayer will be broken down so that the children will see what the different parts mean.…
Christian hymns and songs. RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. In the very early church, they sang Psalms (found in the Bible).Monks chanted prayers which consisted of melodic repetitive sounds.Hymns developed, firstly led by secular, travelling musicians which would be haphazard. Then church organs came in which gave more control over the singing.More recently, many churches have a musical group often…
What are miracles? RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. What are miracles? A dictionary may say that a miracle is an extraordinary event showing divine intervention in human affairs. People being healed from things that the doctors of the day could not heal is an extraordinary event. The Jews in Jesus’ time were looking for the Messiah (or ‘Christ’ in…
The Trinity in the Bible and the Holy Spirit. RE resources
1. Teachers background information. The Trinity in the Bible becomes obvious in that God can be seen to consist of three persons; God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit.The Bible does not use the term ‘Trinity’ but all three are seen at work within its pages. In the New Testament…
Death and Life after Death. RE Resources
Death is not spoken about and is hushed over, but it is inevitable at some point, so we should be able to talk about it. 1. Teacher’s background information. Is death a doorway or the end? There are 3 types of people, those who: Who should we ask and who has the authority to know…
Why is there suffering in the World? RE resources
The suffering that goes on in the world is difficult to accept and how do we answer the question, ‘Why is there suffering?’ This subject is even harder to discuss with children.Here is a lesson plan that aims to explore this difficult subject. 1. Teacher’s background information. The obvious answer to, ‘Why is there suffering?’…
Looking after our Planet. RE resources
1. Teacher’s background information. This world has been carefully designed to produce creatures, animals and plants in abundance. “…And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”…
Lifestyle and moral principles. RE resources
How should we live our lives? The children can look at some life choices and see what they would choose and why.The second lesson plan looks at a man called Zacchaeus who was very greedy and cheated people out of their money, that is until he met Jesus… 1. Teacher’s background information. Some people live…
Christian ministries and talents. RE resources
We are not all the same, some are good at music, others at writing stories, others at drawing, and others at sports.God gives talents and abilities to everyone. Some Christians choose to use their talents in paid Christian work, while others give their time and skills for free. 1. Teacher’s background information. Christian ministries may…